63. Seven saviors friends

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'Seven saviors friend.' Sandor scuffed

'I'm a fucking sept what was I supposed to say?' Ray questioned

'Those men were from the brotherhood and the red guard.' Sandor told them

'I welcome everyone here. Anyways we got nothing for them.' Ray reminded Sandor.

'Sure you do,' Sandor told him throwing down his axe. 'You got food, you got steel even if you say you don't, you got women,' Sandor informed him.

'What do you suggest I do? Find them? Kill them? It would be you against all of them.' Ray reminded him. 'these people don't know how to fight.'

'You do.' Sandor said

'I'm done with fighting.' Ray said

'You're done fighting? Even if it's to protect yourself?' Sandor questioned

'violence is a disease, you don't cure violence by spreading it to more people.' Ray told him.

'You don't cure it by dying either.' sandor remarked

'You've done enough work for one day come on in and have some supper.' Ray suggested

'It's going to be a cold night you will need firewood.' Sandor grumbled picking back up his axe.

'I'll save you a bowl stew. I might even have some ale hidden away.' Ray remarked walking away.


Sandor walked back to the site the smile on his face quickly vanished as he saw what the brotherhood had done.

Sandor looked around at the massacre around him. Not a single person left alive. Ray was hung from the sept Sandor looked around at the people. He let out a pained breath closing her eyes and his own.

'I'm sorry. You deserved better.' Sandor told them. 'You all did.' He picked up his axe with a new hatred in him. 'I'm going to kill them for this.' Sandor told her. 'I'm going to kill them all.'


'Lem has always been a cunt.' Thea remarked.

'I just cant believe it. In the brotherhoods good name too.' Beric said as they strung them up.

'I believe it.' Thea said securing the knot, 'God complex.' She spat.

'And you don't have a goddess complex?' Thoros countered.

"I am a Goddess.' Thea corrected with a laugh. She had met Beric and thoros at a tavern, she went with them, she didn't like them most of the time but she did enjoy not being alone in the world.

'how about a blow job for the road my goddess?' Lem questioned.

'how about I cut it off instead?' she countered.

'you can bite it off, that would be better for the both of us. I assure you. You would be working me for hours.' Lem informed her.

'I think you overestimate yourself and under estimate my bite.' She hissed. Beric pulled her back. Thea didn't really get along with anyone in the brotherhood, she had a temper and was easily set off, Beric and Thoros she tolerated but the rest rubbed her the wrong way.

'secure.' Thoros noted.

'alright,' beric agreed but before they kicked the crates out from under their feet they heard footsteps approaching from the direction of the sept Lem had destroyed, the people they killed. A survivor perhaps. They readied themselves either way.


When Sandor finally caught up with Lem he was about to be hanged for his crimes, Beric Dondarrion and Thoros were standing in front of them, ready to hang him.

'Clegane.' Beric said as he approached.

'Sandor!" Thea exclaimed running to him. 'Sandor!'

'Thea!' Sandor dropped his axe and it fell with a thud as thea leapt into his arms.

'How are you alive!' She exclaimed her feet lifted off the ground.

'A miracle' he whispered against her. 'Fucking hell baby i missed you.'

'You know this man Trouble?' Thoros mused

'I cant believe youre alive!' Thea exclaimed as he brought his lips to hers. She missed that feeling. That flutter in her heart she beamed up at him. "youre alive!' she whispered as he picked her up her arms and legs wrapped around him she never wanted to let him go.

'its alright, this is Sandor Clegane.' Beric said but his men kept their swords ready.

'the fuck you doing with these cunt?' sandor barked at them not letting Thea go.

'They are cunts.' She agreed kissing him.

'You still love me huh?'

'Never stopped.' Thea confirmed and sandor kissed her again as though she was the breath he needed to breathe.

'What are you doing with them?' Sandor questioned nodding to Lem.

'What the fuck are you doing here?' thoros countered

'I'm chasing them down. You?' Sandor questioned

'We are hanging them.'

'Any particular reason?' Sandor questioned

'They are men of the brotherhood, they were attacking a nearby sept and murdered the villagers.' Beric informed him. 'Why do you want them?'

'Same reason.' Sandor told them 'I was helping them build it they killed a friend of mine.' Sandor told them, he picked up his axe.

'You got friends?' Thoros teased

'Not anymore.' Sandor admitted 'they are mine.' Sandor kissed her again before he put her back on her feet and sandor marched forward.

'They are of the brotherhood the brotherhood's name they dragged through the dirt-' beric reminded him.

'Fuck your name. I killed you once I'd be happy to do it again.' sandor warned and Arthur drew back his bow. 'drop that arrow, tougher girls and you've tried to kill me.' sandor threated him, axe in hand moving threateningly close to Arthur.

'You can have one of them.' beric told him

'Two.' Sandor negotiated Beric looked back at Thoros he nodded in agreement

'Fine.' Sandor moved to butcher them but Thoros grabbed his ax mid swing

'No no no' Thoros told him 'we are not butchers we hang them.'

'I'm all for butchering Lem.' Thea said sweetly Sandor smirked back at her.

'Hanging is all over in an instant.' Sandor told them 'where is the punishment that?'

'They die.' thoros reminded him

'We all die except for this one over here.' he looked back at Beric 'I will only gut one of them.'

'No.' Beric told him

'Chop off one hand then.' Sandor negotiated

'We gave you two of the three out of respect for your loss that is generous.' Beric told him. 'besides Theadora-'

'watch it man bun.' Thea warned.

'- has already threated to chop off their cocks. I think they have been tormented enough.' Sandor glanced over at Thea and she offered him a smug smile.

'You're a bunch of Nancy's, all of you expect the only actual woman.' Sandor said throwing down his axe down. 'I would've killed all seven of you just to get these three.'

'there are eight of us.' Finn noted.

'hes not going to kill Thea.' Beric said confidently. 'you see the way he looked at her? I didn't know Clegane could smile.'

'I might still all you.' Sandor remarked

'You're getting old Clegane.' Thoros noted

'Yes but he's not.' Sandor kicked the crate they were standing on dropping him down they struggled for breath beric kicked the last one out from under them. Sandor sat down taking the men's boots slipping it on his feet, the brotherhood watched him curiously.

'you got anything to eat?' sandor questioned.

Bride To Be // Sandor CleganeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang