65. Say it again

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Thea damn near choked on her tongue.

'Say that again.' she demanded

'Yeah queen Margaery went up in a fiery inferno. King jumped and cersei is the fucking queen now.' Thea felt her throat closing up she stomped across to the man grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

'The tyrells!' She shouted 'are they alive!' it was a mix between a plea and a demand willing them to be alive.

'No they all went boom.' He said nervously looking up at her as dark and fiery eyes stared down at him.

'Oh my... oh my...' thea couldnt breathe she couldnt breathe, she let him go taking a step back. They were all gone.

'Hey, hey what's wrong?' Sandor questioned as she stumbled back into him.

'My family... they are all...' she couldn't say it, it hurt to much.

'What's wrong?' Sandor questioned dropping down in front of her. 'What did you cunts do!" Sandor barked at the men at the bar.

"Nothing.' They sneered.

'What the fuck did you tell her!' Sandor demanded.

'The queen and her family went up in flames, fuck off.' They barked back.

'Oh shit Thea.' Sandor muttered his voice quieter now as she cried into him.

'We ready?' Thoros questioned only to see a broken thea. She was always to fierce and quick tempered and now she sobbed into Sandor's arms like a broken little flower. 'What happened?' he asked causiously.

'Tyrells got burned alive apparently.' Sandor told him as he cradled Thea's head to him.

'Oh I'm sorry Trouble.' Thoros said softly. 'you need a drink for the road?' she nodded into sandor.

"That was a yes.' Sandor told him.

'A lot of alcohol please.' Thea whimpered into him.

'Get her a fucking flog.' Sandor told him. Thoros handed it to sandor and he took a sip before offering it to Thea. 'Come on, alcohol numbs the pain love.' Sandor told her. she took a big swig she cradled it to her chest as she stared a big pout on her lips, teary eyed at sandor.

'Come on baby, lets go.' He said kissing her head. Thea nodded taking another sip.


The farther north they got the more Thea forgot about the pain of losing her family and was focused on her frozen limbs. It didn't matter how many layers she had on, she felt like an icicle.

'bad night to be outdoors.' Beric noted the wind whipped around them, Thea's chattering could be heard as a shiver went up her spine. Sandor pulled her closer, wrapping his cloak around her tighter.

'you got powerful magic figure that out.' Sandor grumbled.

'Its snowing' thoros said bringing his horse up to them as well.

'Your fucking lord of light tell you that?' sandor grumbled. 'Its snowing outside thoros, its windy, its gonna be a cold night!' he barked.

'You are a grouchy old bear... you want some rum?" Beric offered.

'That shits too sweet' sandor said, Thea was a southern girl through and through. The falling snow thickly, snowflakes clinging to her eye lashes and falling down her face with every blink. Thea lifted his cloak as they rode hiding underneath it.

'Why are you always in such a foul mood?' Thoros questioned.

'Experience' sandor told them.

'You alright Trouble?" thoros mused.

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