26. Ride

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'Why are you smiling?' Tyrion questioned

'Because I'm happy' Cersei said grinning at him wickedly.

'Why are you happy?' Tyrion asked hesitantly

'Because I have your little whore.' Cersei said grinning.

'I thought you preferred blondes?' Tyrion remarked nonchalantly. Tyrion couldn't breathe he had to act natural.

'Such a troll little fellow, tell me have you marry this one yet?' Tyrion couldn't breathe, choking down his wine. 'Good, father will be so pleased.' Cersei went on.

'Why do you care who I fuck?' Tyrion questioned faking disinterest.

'Because a Lannister always pays her debts, you stole my only daughter you plot to have Joffrey killed.'

Cersei told him 'My Marcella, I am going to make you suffer as I suffer.' Cersei told him wickedly.

'This is madness Stannis will be here in days and you need me.' Tyrion informed her.

'For what? your skill in battle? Pretty thing, little whore lovely body, the bruises will heal in time.' Cersei went on happily.

'Where did you find her?' Tyrion asked nonchalantly.

'Varys, the one that hears whispers. Really a Lannister lion necklace? you need to hide your secret whores more carefully.' Cersei informed him.

'You've forgotten the most important thing about whores.' Tyrion told her

'Well you are the expert, so tell me.'

'You don't buy them you only rent them.' Tyrion reminded her.

'You're usually a better liar baby brother. This one you like, you like her very much. Could it be love? Don't worry she will be treated gently enough unless Joffrey's hurt and then every wound he suffers she will suffer too and if he dies there is not a man alive that could devise a more painful death for your little cunt.' Cersei spat. 'And the lady Thea, she is such a sweet thing, I'm sure she wouldn't be surprised to know you are keeping a whore at the capitol,' Cersei tsked.

'Lady Thea and I are not married yet.' Tyrion reminded her.

'Oh so you will toss your whore aside when you are?" Cersei mused. 'doubtful.'

'Lady Thea-'

'Lady Thea is a gem, and you are little monster.' Cersei told him.

"I don't know about that.' Tyrion murmured.

'I should kill your whore in front of the both of you so Lady Thea knows the kind of man she if forced to get in bed with.' Cersei told him vindictively.

'And how do I know you haven't killed her already?'

'do you want to see her? I thought you might.' Cersei called to her guard. 'bring in my brothers whore,' Tyrion got up cautiously turning to the door but this woman was not his, not Shae. She looked at him expectantly and Tyrion walked up to her.

'I am sorry they hurt you... you must be brave...' he reached out of hand taking hers in his. 'I promise I will make this right for you.'

'Don't forget me' Ros said

'Never.' tyrion answered relived. Cersei smiled viciously

'I will hurt you for this, there will come a day when you think you are safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes and you will know... and you will know that the debt has been paid.' Ceresi informed him. 'Get. Out.'

Bride To Be // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now