19. Death or Tyrion

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Sandor knocked and thea called come in. So when sandor opened the door sealing it closed behind him he was surprised to see Thea sitting in the bath tub.

'Hello,' she said sweetly and if sandor was a better man he would have looked away. But he wasnt and Thea was gorgeous. She rose the water dripping off her she turned to face him locking eyes with him for a moment before his eyes trailed along her curved. Ringing out her hair she stepped out of the tub slowly wrapping a towel around herself.

'You...' he forgot why he was here. He wanted to grab her towel and throw her on the bed. Why was he here?

'Me.' She agreed. 'I asked you here for a drink.' Thea confirmed. He nodded feeling a tightness in his pants as he moved. 'I'll be just a minute,' she told him. 'Make yourself at home.' So sandor sat and poured himself a drink but the glass to his lips he watched her towel fall as she slipped on a night dress. A flimsy little thing he forced himself to look away as she turned back to him her hair dripping on her already thin nightwear pebbling to her breasts.

'Hi,' she said again and sandor tossed back the drink pouring another. 'What's wrong?' She touched his arm gently and he flinched back he knew that her touch however slight it might be would set him off. 'Sorry,' she whispered filling his glass.

'Did you... want something?' Sandor questioned

'Just your fine company,' thea assured. She kicked her legs out over hid and she felt the budge under her feet he tensed at her touch. 'Sandor...' he looked down at her legs smooth delicate legs over his. A hand down up and down her calf she smirked drinking her own glass. 'Sandor I-' but there was a knock at the door. Sandor shot up and theas feet fell to the ground. She walked her steps sluggish to the door.

'A raven from your grandmother the lady-'

'Yes i know who my grandmother is thank you,' thea said grabbing the scroll and closing the door.

'What's it say?' Sandor questioned noticing thea tense up.

'My family... has sided with Renly Baratheon.'


'The boy may lack experience battle but he does have a certain mindless courage,' Tywin said to his counsel as Tyrion entered sitting down and getting glass of wine.

'Continue I did not mean to interrupt' Tyrion told them adding food to the plate in front of him as well.

'I do hope your savages are going to be of some use otherwise we've wasted good steel.' Tywin remarked

'The great hairy one,' Kevan said 'insisted he must have two battle axes heavy black steel double sided.'

'He likes axes.' Tyrion said simply.

'When the battle commences you and your wildlings will be in the Vanguard.' Tywin told him.

'Vangurd?' Tyrion questioned.

'Me and the tribesmen on the front lines?' Tyrion questioned choking on his wine.

'They do seem rather ferocious.' Kevan added

'Ferocious... last night Moon brothers stabbed a stone craw over a sausage three stone crow sees the moon brother and opened his throat. Bronn managed to keep shagga from chopping off the dead man's cock which was fortunate but even still they are demanding blood money which shagga and gunthor refused to pay.' Tyrion informed them all.

'When soldiers lack discipline the fault lies with the commander' Tywin told him simply.

'There are other ways to have me killed,' Tyrion reminded him, 'that would be less detrimental to the war effort.'

'There will be no more discussion on the matter' Tywin said taking a long step

'It appears I'm not hungry after all excuse me my Lord's,' he said marching off.


'Was the seal broken?' Sandor questioned

'No but that doesn't mean anything I used to read my fathers ravens and reseal them they looked as good as new,' thea told him

'What? How?'

'If you know the right people and have the right colored candles.' Thea said vaguely

'Why were you reading his ravens?' Sandor questioned

'I wanted to know who he was shipping me off to.' Thea told him. 'Not that it did any good when i found out' she remarked. Thea let out an audible groan as she slumped into the couch.

'Those fuckers told me a union with the lannister was important and now they are siding with renly? What the actual fuck!' Thea screamed.

'Impending a contract with renly,' sandor read. 'They havent sealed it yet.'

'They will, my family has a multitude of harvest people starve in wars but not those that have tyrells.' Thea told him confidently but groaned again. 'Those fuckers! Ned stark is in a cell rotting and renly has already tried to steal the throne from the little blonde cunt! Ah my fucking family' thea shouted.

'Nothing is done yet.' sandor reminded her

'They said i needed to form an alliance with the Lannisters but if they do this and renly wins what of me?'

'You're not married to the imp and you're not marrying him while this war is going on'. Sandor informed her.

'What if tywin finds out and has me killed or worse has me marry him immediately upon arrival!' Thea exclaimed

'Death is better than marrying the imp?' Sandor questioned

'Yes.' she said firmly. 'It is.'

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