30. Thank God for Sandor

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Moving to the bed he grabbed her ass and shoved his mouth between her legs, desperate to taste her because she tasted so fucking good. She moaned too loudly and covers her own mouth, using her free hand to grab a handful of his hair, guiding him the way she liked it. She pushed him back and returned to her straddling position, pulling his shirt off, so their bare chests can touch. Her soft, warm skin pressed against his as he wrapped his arms, grabbing at her waist and breast, guiding her up and down his length over and over again. He pulled her into him as deep as she can go, feeling her body shudder. She kissed his lips and bites his jaw, moving down his throat, and then bites into his collarbone. She pulsed against his and he pulled back on her hair, exposing her throat and breasts to his mouth.

Sandor kissed down the tops of her tits, putting her nipples in his mouth one at a time, sucking and nibbling. She feels so good, he couldn't get enough of her. He didn't want this to end but he couldn't slow it down. It's a frenzy. He found solace in knowing he would have more of these moments with her, more time with her—getting to know her, exploring her body and her mind. Because he was desperate to know everything, ask everything, explore every inch of her.

Thea woke to a hand massaging her breast she smirked back at him and his lips captured hers.

'Sept today,' he grumbled and she could feel him hardening against her again, she leaned back into him.

'Skip it, I don't pray.' Thea told him.

'We don't really get a choice.' Sandor told her.

"BOOO.' Thea told him. 'lets just stay. In. Bed.' she said rolling him onto his back, guiding him into her slick heat waiting for him. He groaned as she moved over him, her hips rocking he reached up for her breast again while the other hand snaked between her legs. She shuddered at his touch. her brought his fingers to his lips licking her desire from his fingers as her head tipped back her back arching with every move.


"We should have stayed in bed.' Thea whispered as they left the sept. Sandor hushed her giving her hip a squeeze as they walked back.

'So Lady Thea,' Tyrion began and he could see her tense up at his voice. 'would you like to go for a ride today?" Tyrion pondered.

'I ride every day, last time you offered you skipped out on me.' Thea recalled. 'better things to do apparently.' Thea told him, not looking down to him as they walked.

'Right, I'm sorry about that... I was called away.' Tyrion said swallowing the lump in his throat.

'I like my solitude.' Thea told him as she took confident steps her, every inch of her as regal as a queen. Tyrion let out a sigh as they kept walking.

'Oh I'm going to grab a lemon cake-' thea said rushing off before sandor could stop her and suddenly he lost her in the madness. They were walking back from the sept when the townspeople started complaining that they were hungry begging the king for help. Joffrey ignored their pleas

That was when the shouting and throwing started.

'We are hungry your grace.'

'Help us'

'Feed us.'


'Thea!" Sandor shouted

But joffrey didn't care for their pleas. Dung flew across the sky landing on joffreys face.

'Kill them kill them all!' Joffrey demanded

'Take the king. Protect the king!'

'CLEGANE!" Cersei demanded Sandor scooped up the little prick his eyes searching for Thea as he moved through the streets but he couldn't see her anywhere.

The royal family rushed behind Joffrey ushered in quickly while sansa got swept up in the madness. Sandor dragged in Joffrey but Tyrion looked around for Sansa and Thea but she was nowhere in sight.

'Where is she? where is Thea? where is Sansa?' Tyrion questioned. Joffrey ignored him his own head spinning from the almost attack. 'take some men and go find the -' tyrion demanded.

'I don't take orders from you imp, I take them from the king.' Meryn spat.

'If we lose her you never get your uncle Jaime back and he has done quite a lot for you!" Tyrion shouted.

Sandor didn't see Thea either. He stomped back outside.

'No please, no!' Sansa was screaming as men grabbed her pulling at her dress.

'Fucking hell.' Thea muttered she stomped forward opening the vile meant for later possible purposes and the took a pinch of it blowing it one of the mens faces he screamed out as it seared his skin, his eyes stung blinding him. She grabbed the mans dragged from the ground.

'Drop her or you suffer a worse fate than death.' Thea told them but they didn't let go. "Suit yourself.' Another pinch, sansa closed her eyes as the second man was on the ground screaming Thea stabbed the third man her blade lodging in his eye. Her vial dropped with her struggled with the fourth man, she cursed sending an elbow back to his nose, she heard the crack. She bent down as sandor marched in she wiped her hand along the powder smearing it along the mans face forcing him to breathe it in he screamed falling to the ground. Thea wiped her hand on her dress quickly, spitting on her hand and wiping again to get out further residue, sandor stood perplexed as Thea moved to Sansa.

'You are alright,' Thea told her. 'right?' sansa nodded. 'its okay, you're okay.' Thea coed as Sansa sobbed into her.

'You gonna stand there and stare are you gonna be useful Clegane?' Thea questioned glancing back at him. He blinked away the amazement, nodding he put sansa on his shoulder.

'you have skills, what was that powder?' sandor questioned as they walked back.

'what powder?' thea countered with a mischievous look.

'My ladys are you both alright?" Tyrion questioned when they got back.

"Thank God for Sandor,' Thea declared, 'I don't know what we would have done without a brave man like him.' She coed patting his arm as she lead sansa back to her room. Sandor chuckled before following after her.


She stretched out on him, leaning back against his shoulder with her head in the crook of his neck. He was supporting her with one arm around her, the other across her lower body with his hand buried between her legs, his fingers nestled deep inside her while his thumb rubbed in slow, agonizing little circles on her clit. Sandor made Thea feel warm and...safe.

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