49. Seven blessings

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'seven blessings.' An old man said from above them on the bridge.

'what do you want?' sandor grumbled.

'what do I want? This is my land.'

'if I'm standing on it, its my land.' Sandor replied.

''so sorry,' Thea called up to him. 'we were just watering our horses, we will be on our way.'

'forgive my father,' arya spoke up. 'he was wounded fighting in the war. Our cottage burned down while he was gone, my mother and I barely made it out with our lives.' She looked to Thea, 'hes never been the same.'

'Very grumbly, he doesn't have any mannors.' Thea agreed and Sandor gave her a pointed look but she just smiled sweetly.

'which house did he fight for?'

'the tullys of riverrun.' arya said thinking everyone oved her mother that was a safe bet.

'there a storm coming, you will be wanting a place to sleep tonight.' the man said pointing ahead to his home. 'and sally here makes rabbit stew just like her mom used to.' that got sandor attention. Food. Warm fresh food. 'we don't have much but any man that fights for house tully is welcome to it.'

'that sounds great!' arya said 'right mommy?' she looked to Thea who forced a smile.

'right honey.' Thea said pinching Arya's cheek she swatted Thea away. 'that sounds so nice, we have been travelling for a while, don't you think love?' she asked sandor and he grumbled but agreed. 'thank you.'

When they got to the mans house and sat for supper the man started to pray. Everyone folded their hands but as the man spoke thanking each god sandor lost his patience.

'you gonna thank all seven of the fuckers?'

'Father!' arya yelled slapping his arm. The man kept praying...

'and we ask the stranger not to kill us in our bed tonight for no damn reason at all.' Sandor told them as he poured himself a bowl of soup. Thea's jaw dropped as she grabbed a roll.

'I told you, no mannors.' Thea reminded him. Wamr food, Thea was salivating it was delicious.

'I'm so sorry.' arya said pouring herself some stew as well. 'this is really good.' Arya noted.

'thank you, so very much for having us.' Thea said taking a sip. A nice hot meal. It was perfect.

'quite welcome.' The man said as he ate.

"this is really wonderful, thank you sally.' Thea said and the girl smiled at them.

'got any ale?' sandor asked.

'no, sorry I don't have any ale.'

'I'm sorry too.' Sandor grumbled. 'how can a man not keep any ale in his home.' Arya was on her second bowl in no time.

'you look like you really swing a sword. A real warrior with real training. Raiders wouldn't stand a chance against you.' Sandor looked up from his stew. 'you know I could really use a man like you in the coming moon. Help with the farm work. Sally does what she can but she cant lift a bale of hay... and if any thieves came looking for trouble I bet they would take one look at you and run the other way.' Sandor watched the man, pouring himself another bowl of stew. ' I mean you no offense...' he added.

'what will you pay?'

'I cant pay you much, I have a bit of silver hidden from the bandits.. fair waged for fair work? I got room in the barn and I would give ya meals... I could really use the help around here.' The man said still amazed at the size of the man.

'Fair wages for fair work' sandor agreed. Arya looked at sandor confused.

'that's wonderful.' The man said looking to his daughter. They were going to be okay. They were going to survive the winter with this mans help.

Arya slurped down her soup, she was not staying here. Living here. Pretending the hound was her father until she died. Thea fiddled with the necklace around her neck, a little flower as she pondered what sandor had planned surely they were not staying, she wanted out of westeros.


'You're a queen not an ox your grandfather gave me a necklace just like this one on my 51st name day.' Olenna said tossing it over the balcony Margaery watched it fly. They were supposed to pick out necklaces for the ceremony for Margaery to wear

'Grandmother!" Maragery exclaimed. 'The wedding is in a fortnight grandmother you can't say no to everything,' Margaery told her

'Nonsense... my little dears go and speak to the jewelers of Kings Landing tell them who you are tell them who sent you the one who brings me the best necklace will get to keep the next best,' Olenna told her flock and they ran off excitedly.

'The Margaery Tyrell who walks into the steps a Fortnight from now will inspire a song of thousands,' Olenna went on, 'how sad it would be if she's wearing rubbish like that.' Olenna told her as they sat down.

'I should've just let Joffrey choose it for me end up with a string of dead sparrow heads around my neck.' Margaery remarked.

'You watch that even here even with me.... My word...' Olenna said looking back at Brienne of tarth. She walked up behind them hesitantly. It had been rumored that she had killed Renly Baratheon, she didn't but she didn't know if she would be welcomed.

'My lady, my lady, please pardon me for interrupting my name is Brienne of tarth-'

'I know who you are, we heard all about you.' Olenna told her 'hearing is one thing aren't you just marvelous absolutely singular. I hear you knocked my grandson into the dirt like a silly little boy that he is.' Brienne tried to hide the smile from her face as Olena talked.

'My lady,' she turned her attention to Margaery 'I know this is very busy time for you but if I could just have a moment.'

'You best not refuse,'Olena said looking to Margaery


'A shadow.' Margaery questioned.

'A shadow with a face of Stanis Baratheon,' Brienne told her 'I swear do you by all the gods it was Stannis he plunged his sword through Renly's heart and disappeared. One day my lady I will avenge our king.'

'Joffrey is our king now.' Margaery told her

'I meant no offense-'

'And you've given none.' Margaery assured sweetly. 'Speaking of loved one.' Maragery went on 'My sister was taken by the hound...'

'I heard, sandor Clegane is a... warrior.' Brienne said stiffly.

'I don't know what your plans are but if you happen to see her on your jouney-'

'It would be my honor to bring her home to you.' Brienne told her.

"Thank you. I miss her.'

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