59. Faith

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When the faith arrested Loras queen Margaery demanded that King Tommen take action as she knows Cersei is behind it.

'Why is my brother in a cell?'

'I don't know.' Tommen said his hand on his silverware as he stared up at her his food going cold before him as Margaery's hands slammed down on the table in outrage 'I didn't do it.'

'We both know who did,' Margaery corrected 'you told me she was returning to Casterly rock'

'You're saying my mother is behind this?'

'She's jealous you're not hers anymore arresting my brother is her revenge.' Margaery declared.

'Aren't you and mother getting along?' Tommen remarked and Margaery let out a deep sigh annoyed at how ignorant he could be you it was a blessing in disguise at times.

'Oh my sweet sweet King,' she said plopping down 'do you have any affection for me at all?'

'Of course I do.' he said grabbing her hand 'you are my queen'

'I can't bear to think of my brother locked away in some grimy cell.' she told him sadly it was the most honest thing she's ever told him.

'I'll set him free for you.' Tommen assured

'You promise?'


'My queen?' Margaery looked up to Tommen anxiously 'There was no way to free sir Loras without violence,' Tommen told her and she came in from the balcony her face dropped off the news

'You're the king of the andals,' she reminded him 'the Lord of the seven kingdoms the protector of the realm and a band of fanatics imprisoned your brother by law.'

'I'm going to speak with a high sparrow.'

'Are you? When?'

'I don't know.' he admitted

'You don't know?'

'He was praying just now I...' Tommen told her

'I have to send word to my grandmother,' Margaery said walking past him out the door

'will you come back later?" Tommen questioned

'I need to be with my family your Grace,' she said before stomping down the hall

'Of course.'

Margaery had lost Thea, she wasn't about to lose Loras too not when she was queen and had a say in the matter. She should be able to do something but she felt so powerless. She couldn't get her sister back and she couldn't free her brother. What use was being a queen?


'Rumors and gossip that's all they've got it's the theater Nothing More.' Olena told margaery when she arrived back at the capital. 'If they collected all the pillow biters in Kings Landing they'll be no room left in the dungeon for anyone else.'

'Everyone knew about him and Renly,' Margaery reminded her.

'Renly Baratheon shagged half the staple boys,' Olena reminded her 'Hell in the seven kingdoms everyone knew they did not care.'

'He was the kings brother,' Margaery told her

'And Loras is the queen's brother... no no no this is unacceptable.'

'Cersei is behind it.'

'Of course she is. she wants to drag our names through the dirt put us in our place get some rest dear.' Olenna said patting her granddaughters cheek 'and let me deal with Cersei Lannister.'

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