47. Hungry

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'What are you doing?' sansa asked as a walk-through the gardens Tyrion was repeating the peoples names as they passed by laughing at them.

'I have a list.' he told her

'a list of people you mean to kill?'

'For laughing at me? Who do you think I am? do I look like Joffrey to you? Death is a bit extreme but the fear of death on the other hand-' Tyrion began

'you should learn to ignore them.' sansa told him

'My lady people have been laughing at me far longer than they have been laughing at you. I am the half men the demon monkey.' Tyrion reminded her.

'You are a Lannister.' she corrected 'I am the disgraced daughter of Ned Stark.'

'The disgraced daughter and the demon monkey.' tyrion told her 'we are perfect for each other.'

'So how should be punished them?' Sansa questioned


'The men on your list.' Sansa said as if it was obvious.

'Well I could speak to Lord varys learn if they of their perversions anyone named Desmond Kraco must have secrets.' Tyrion told her.

'I do not think that you are a pervert.'

'I am a demon monkey, I have certain standards to maintain.' he told her

'We could sheep shift lord desmans bed.' sansa suggested. 'You cut a little hole in his mattress and you shove the sheep shift inside.' sansa said pleasantly. 'Then you sew up the hole and make his bed again it will stink but he will not know where he's coming from.'

'Lady Sansa.' Tyrion said with a laugh.

'My sister did that to me when she was angry with me and she was always angry with me.' sansa told them.

'Why sheep shift?'

'That is the word for dung.' Sansa clarified.

'my lady.' Tyrion said blushing

'well you asked me.' she remarked

'my Lord my lady.' Podrick said running up to them 'your father has called a meeting of the small council.'


'I'm hungry, Thea is hungry, youre hungry.' Arya complained as they looked through the bushes at a tavern.

'five horses. Five men. More than I feel like killing on an empty stomach.' Sandor told them. But arya wasn't ready to leave. Two men walked out to take a piss and arya grabbed sandor's hand pointing at one of the guards.

'I know him, the small one... his name is polliver. He captured me and brought me to Harenhal. He killed lommy.' Arya said watching him from afar.

'what the fuck is a lommy?' Thea and sandor questioned in unison.

'he was my friend.' Arya told him. 'polliver stole my sword and put it right thorough his neck... he still got it...'

'got what?' sandor asked.

'my sword.' Arya said and she looked at the mans belt, there is hung, 'Needle.'

'Of course you named your sword.' Sandor said with a chuckle

'lots of people name there swords.' arya replied.

'lots of people are cunts.' Sandor told her. but arya was off.

'Stay.' He told Thea, 'Stay.' He repeated and she nodded as sandor followed quickly after. 'Get back here!' sandor demanded. 'Arya!' sandor snapped but arya was determined.

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