15. Hot gossip

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Three restless days in a sky cell before Tyrion had enough. He woke up his hand dangling over the edge of the cell, he scurried back into the corner he had, had enough of this.

'He let out a huff of a breath before moving to the door and banging.

"STOP IT!' a guard demanded charging in and pushing Tyrion to the edge, 'QUIET!" he shouted threatening to throw Tyrion over.

'Wait,' Tyrion pleaded. 'I want an audience with the lady of the veil... I will make it worth your time.' Tyrion begged.

'You don't got nothing!' the man sneered closing the door but Tyrion slapped it open.

'Have you ever heard the saying a Lannister always pays his debts?' Tyrion questioned and the man pulled the door open stepping in, Tyrion took a few steps back as the man approached him with threatening steps.

"Yeah...' he drawled out his words.

"I am a Lannister. You get me an audience with the lady of the veil and you will be greatly rewarded.' the man seemed to be considering it but he slammed the door shut on them.


'I demand trial by combat.' Tyrion said once he got his audience with the lady of the veil.

'combat?' she laughed. 'alright then.' She nodded to a guard who immediately stepped forward.

'I request my brother Jaime to fight in my place.' Tyrion told her looking around the room. 'he is in kings landing send a raven and he will ride day and night to come and fight for both me and our companion.' Tyrion said confidently.

'No.' Lysa said with a wicked laugh.

'Make the little man fly!' the boy yelled with a grin.

'call upon my brother Jamie' Tyrion begged

'The king slayer is hundreds of miles from here.' Lysa reminded him.

'Send a raven for him. I would be happy to wait.' Tyrion assured.

'The trial will be today.' Lysa told them, she had no care for the royal family. Or lannisters.

'Do I have a volunteer?' He asked a roar of laughter filled the room. 'anyone? Anyone?'

'It seems no one-' lady Arryn began but Bronn stepped forward.

'I will stand for the little lord.' Bronn said and Tyrion thanked him repeatedly.

Both men were ready shields and hand sword gripped tightly Robin screamed out fight and it began as Tyrion watched this man had his life in his hands, if he died they both died.

'I said to fight coward!' Robin said as Bronn jumped from the stairs Bronn kicked over a chandelier but it only further angered the men as they thought he got closer and closer to the moon door pushing him over the edge Bronn look down below. Robin got excited seeing that they were about to fall but Bronn got the better of him fencing around the room slashing into columns and walls people jumped out of the way as the two competitors made the way around the room Bronn dodged back as the knights sword came at him before Bronn stabbed him.

'Yes!' Tyrion said happily, he watched the men dual around the moon door.

'Ser vivor finish him!' Lysa shouted but he was weak and Bronn with strong. Bronn sliced the back of the man's leg and lysa's champion fell to the ground.

'get up!' the people called 'get up!' he took shaky steps forward but Bronn kicked him down easily enough. Bronn kicked away the knights shield they stood at the moon door now as the man got up again trying to fight for the lady of the Vale. Bronn raised his sword the man's hand in his opposite hand before slicing down past the armor the knight bled out before him. Bronn tossed his body down the moon door he fell to the depths below Tyrion smiled appreciatively.

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