48. Bimbo

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'You look radiant your grace.'

'Radiant... right radiant..' Cersei said looking Margaery over.

'It's the word that came to mind.' Margaery told her. 'We are to be sister shouldn't we be friends?' she added grabbing onto Cersei's arm.

'Your musical girl aren't you imagine you have a lovely voice.'

'A better dancer than a singer I'm afraid.' Margaery said 'Thea has a lovely voice, I hope to haer her singing the halls again soon.' Margaery remarked.

'But you know the rains of Castamere?'

'Of course they play it so often here at court.' Margaery agreed. It was a lovely banquet, a lovely feast, a lovely party, perfect time to try and get a read on Cersei and how difficult she would make Margaery's life at the capitol.

'So you know the story of house reyne of Castamere?'

'Not as well as you I'm sure.' Margaery said sweetly.

'House rayne was a powerful family very wealthy second wealthiest and Westeros now the Tyrells the second wealthiest family Westeros now of course ambitious climbers don't stop on the second highest rung, only you could get that final steps further than all the rest you would be alone with nothing but blue sky above you.' Cersei told her as they walked the room. 'So Lord Rayne built a castle as grand as Casterly rock he gave his wife diamonds larger than any woman ever wore and finally one day he rebelled against my father do you know where House rayne is now?'

'Gone.' Margaery said simply.

'Gone,' she agreed 'a gentle word I would say slaughtered. Every man woman and child put to the sword. I remember seeing their bodies hanging high above the gates at Casterly rock my father let them rot up there all summer it was a long summer and now the raynes weep the halls and not a soul to hear them.' Cersei took Margaery's hand in hers 'if you ever call my sister again I will strangle you in your sleep.' she threatened marching off.


"where are we?' Arya asked looking around, she didn't recognize anything.

'near fair market... I think.'

'you think?' arya questioned. 'you don't have a map?'

'No I don't have a map.'

'maybe we should get one.'

'Where pray tell Arya, where would we get a map?' Thea questioned.

'alright just point out the next map shop you see and ill buy you one.' Sandor joked.

'how far is it to the errie?'

'Far.' Sandor replied.

'and you're sure we are going the right way?'

'sandor has gotten us this far, are you really still questioning his skills arya?' Thea questioned. 'honestly this girl.' Thea muttered.

'Thank you gorgeous. And believe me girl I want you there as soon as I can. I want my gold and I will be on my way.' Sandor said.

'where will you go?' arya questioned.

'Book passage over the narrow sea, start over with Thea somewhere.' Sandor told her.

'I would like to see Bravvos one day.' Arya told him.

'why Bravvos?'

'I have friends there.' arya said. Arya was like venom she couldn't have friends that actually put up with her. all she had done since they found her was try and kill sandor.

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