4. Fucking men like Loras

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'Don't stand so still it's hard to hit a moving target' Jon said trying to bond with his brothers 'Except for you.' he motioned to pip, 'you move too much,' he saw Tyrion watching him from the doorway above, 'you pull your sword out, jump around and you do all the work for me.' jon informed him.

'How many winters have you seen Lord Tyrion?'

'Eight no nine' he said.

''All of them brief?' The maester questioned

'No, the winter of my birth was three years long Maester Aemond.' Tyrion informed him.

'This summer has lasted nine but word from the citadel tells us that the summer grow shorter... winter is coming. This one will be long and dark, things will come with it.' Maester aemond told him.

'We've been capturing Wildlings more every month they are fleeing south the ones who we find say they have seen the white walkers.'

'And the fisherman of Lannister port say they see mermaids' Tyrion told him humorously.

'The night watch is the only thing standing between the realm and what lays beyond and it has become an army of undisciplined boys and tired old men' maester aemond told Tyrion. 'There are less than 1000 of us now,' he went on 'we cannot manage the other castles beyond the wall, we cannot properly patrol the wildlings, we barely have enough led to keep our men armed and fed.'

'Your sister sits by the side of the king. Tell her we need help' he begged Tyrion. 'When winter does come, God's help us all if we are not ready.'


'I'm sorry to see you leave' Jon said as Tyrion finished pissing off the edge of the wall

'It's either me or this cold and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere.' Tyrion told him.

'Will you stop at Winterfell on your way south?'

'I suppose I will gods know there are not many featherbeds between here and Kings Landing.' Tyrion reminded him

'If you see my brother Bran tell him I miss him tell him I'd visit if I could.' Jon requested

'Of course' Tyrion said.

'He may never walk again' Jon informed him

'If you're going to be a cripple it's better to be a rich cripple. Take care snow' Tyrion said walking past.


'Margaery is going to get a prince or king when she marries and I'm stuck with the fucking imp!' Thea shouted for what Willas assumed was the millionth time since they got to the capitol.

'Margaery could marry a fat shit like the king, you don't know.' Willas whispered and Thea couldn't stop laughing.

'Willas, watch your mouth!' she teased leaning into him. But her laughter died down as the royal party arrived. 'This is a waste of time.' Thea told Willas as they waited.

'You might like him,' willas offered

'I might hate him and wish him to die a brutal and painful death.' Thea countered.

'My lady,' a deep gruff voice said from behind her. Theas pursued lips soften a little at the sight of the very large man in front of here. 'Lord tyrion Lannister has went to the wall he will be back within the next moon.' Sandor told her

'Thats wonderful.' Thea said turning back to her brother. 'He declined and now hes at the wall wanting to live out his life fucking men like loras!'

'Thea!' Willas hissed but sandor chuckled looking over the tyrells. 'Please excuse my sisters blunt and lying tongue,' willas said defensively. And thea stuck her tongue out at him. 'And tyrion is not staying at the wall,' willas reminded her

'Why not? He can.' Thea told willas stubbornly.

'We will wait'. Willas told her and she let out a groan of displeasure. 'Thank you ser for letting us know.'

'I'm not ser,' Sandor told them turning to leave.

'Then what might I call you?' Thea said sweetly but her brow quirked looking him over.

'Sandor Clegane my lady.' He bowed before them leaving them be.

'The princes guard,' willas told his sister.

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