1. Your duty

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'I don't want to marry Tyrion Lannister.'

'He is heir to casterly rock.'

'I don't care I don't want to marry him!'

'You are going to do right by your family.'

'No. I won't.' Thea retorted. 'Fuck you. Fuck Casterly Rock. Fuck off.'


'No! I won't I won't.'

'It is your duty!'

'Fuck duty and honor and all that bullshit, I won't, I won't!'

But here she was at kings landing waiting for the royal party to return and meet her betrothed. Only he didn't show up.


'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.' Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked 'I hear you're getting married to a little flower from high garden.'

'why do you think I'm fucking my way through winterfell?" Tyrion questioned.

'Poor girl, have to married to the likes of you.' Sandor told him heading off.

'You're no picnic either!" Tyrion called after him.


'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion after a long night of drinking and fucking away his last night at Winterfell he found himself in the stables, he looked up to see Joffrey staring down at him, sandor told a dutiful servant behind Joffrey.

'Before you go you will call upon the Lord and Lady Stark and offer them your deepest sympathies' Tyrion told him getting up and brushing himself off.

'What good are my sympathies?' Joffrey sneered.

''None but it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion added

'The boy means nothing to me and I can't stand the wailing of women-' tyrion slapped him across the face.

'One word and I hit you again' Tyrion threatened.

'I'm telling mother!' so Tyrion hit him again

'Go. Tell her, but first you will go to lady and lord stark fall upon your knees in front of them and tell them you are very sorry that you are at their service and all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?' Tyrion instructed.

'You can't!' Joffrey cried out and Tyrion slapped him again

'Do you understand?' Joffrey stormed off.

'the prince will remember that little lord,' sandor told him.

'I hope so.' Tyrion told him 'if he forgets be a good dog and remind him, while I'm at the wall.'

'You're supposed to marry the flower.' Sandor reminded him.

'Which is exactly why I'm going to the wall.' Tyrion told him. 'I can fuck a few more whores along the way before I have to be sneaky about it.'

'Poor girl.' Sandor repeated. 

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