Chapter 43: Shoreline

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The sounds of muffled explosions shake through your ears as you dizzily open your eyes, quickly regaining your senses.

The explosion from Willys bomb had sent you flying overboard, and now you were seconds away from drowning due to the water that was already beginning to invade your lungs...

You quickly try to hold the little amount of breath you still had in as you move to swim up, fighting off all of the discomfort you were in as you resurface, seeing complete chaos unfolding all around you as you gasp for air.

Everything was on fire, in every direction. The Deltas ship behind you was now almost completely capsized, and was slowing being melted away by the explosion you had caused.. and the docks and trees along the shoreline were also up in flames.

Everything was in chaos right now, and you were alone in the middle of it all. You had no idea where Clementine or any of your friends were.. or if they had even survived...

You feel panic starting to hit you again as you shake your head, forcing the fearful thoughts away as you look back to the shore. You needed to get out of the water and to somewhere safe before you started worrying.

You start to swim your way to the beach while doing your best to stay quiet and low in the water, hoping to avoid being seen by any surviving raiders or walkers as you reach the shore, carefully leaving  the rigid water behind you as you move up to a pile of rubble created from the explosion.

You crouch down into cover as you try your best to gather your bearings while looking around for any signs of your friends.. but quickly realize the smoke from the now massive fire coming from the raiders ship was too thick to see through. You'd have to keep moving practically in the dark for now, at least until you were out of the smoke.

You get back up onto your feet, taking a deep breath before continuing forward, faintly following alongside the water to your right side. As you carefully move forward, you were able to see another fire off in the distance, which if you were correct would be the one Ruby had set off during the first stage of your plan.

You start to make your way towards the fire, hoping Clementine and the others would've had the same idea to meet up there as you keep moving.

You continue to make your way towards the fire for another few moments, keeping your guard up for any signs of life as you spot another pile of the raiders supplies. You head over to the pile to take cover, wanting to scan your surroundings one more time.

From your new positioning, the smoke was less intense than before, but you still had no sign of the others... but you did spot the complete opposite of what you wanted. At least four raiders had survived the explosion, and they were all gathered up further down the shore.

"Fuck.." you mutter as you lean back down behind the crates, carefully peaking around the sides of it now. You could see that they were all still armed with guns, shooting down the walker herd and easily thinning out the undead. If they had enough ammo.. they could still survive this...

You continue to wait in concealment for a few more seconds before deciding to move on, wanting to make some distance from the raiders since they probably wouldn't be very eager to take prisoners at this point...

You carefully continue to move forward, aiming to reach the end of the dock up ahead as you suddenly begin to hear movement from your side.

"Oh shit-" you gasp as you see a pair of walkers approaching through the smoke.

You trip and fall onto your backside, as you quickly start to back away from the approaching undead until you spot a rock by your side.

You instinctively grab the rock as the walkers reach you, as you quickly kick out the first walkers knee, knocking it to the ground as you look to the other walker still lumbering towards you. You throw the rock up at its head, hitting it directly in the forehead.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now