Episode 4: Out Of Time

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Previously on The Walking Dead: Alive Inside...

You had spent most of your life on the road, living by yourself with little contact with other survivors. Past experience had shown you that living with groups just wasn't worth it, and you were okay with this for a long time.

...But after time your way of life eventually started to become too much for you to handle. You hated the constant stress of having to watch your back for danger, the lack of food and clean water was beginning to become a real problem, and most of all... you were just lonely.

You quickly realized you needed to change. You couldn't live like this anymore. You needed other people.. and soon after, you ran into a girl your age named Clementine, and a younger boy named AJ.

The three of you started to survive alongside each other for a few days until you ended up involuntarily running into another group, this time consisting of a bunch of teenagers living in their old boarding school.

You quickly grew to like these new people, and for the first time in years you finally felt a sense of calm. You had friends, a home, and an actual shot at surviving now.. until the raiders came along.

You and the rest of the kids went to war against them, fighting for your home until you eventually found yourself on their ship, attempting to save your friends they had taken away from you. The rescue plan ending up going sideways, and now all of your lives were at stake.

You knew that to save them all... you'd need to be ready to sacrifice everything for them...


Warning- Meant for mature readers. This episode will include details of gore, intense violence, and sexual content.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now