Chapter 12: Return

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*Clementines POV*

"Hey! Open the gates!" Violet yells from up ahead. I follow after her with Louis helping me carry Y/N.

The front gates open and Marlon rushes out.

"What the hell happened?" He asks worriedly.

"Gunshot. Y/N needs help. Now," I reply. He looks to me and then to Y/N.

"Gunshot? What-" Marlon starts as Violet steps forward.

"We'll explain later. We need to find Ruby," she says. Ruby starts to push her way through the crowd of kids. 

"I'm right here. What happened?" She asks.

"Y/N was shot. I did my best to stop the bleeding," I answer. Ruby nods her head.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do. Get him to your room and keep pressure on his arm while I'll go get our medical supplies," she replies. I nod my head and Louis starts to help me carry Y/N.

We enter the building and reach our room. Louis opens the door and we lead Y/N over to his bed.

I lay him down and start to press my hand against his bandaged arm, trying to keep the bleeding under control.

Louis looks over to me and Y/N.

"So what happened in there?" He asks after a moment.

I look back down to Y/N.

"A man snuck up on us and held us at gunpoint as he started to steal our food. Violet tried to sneak up on him, but he heard her and he freaked out," I say.

"He raised his gun to her, and Y/N ran at him. We started to fight and the man ended up shooting Y/N just before we shoved him out of the window," I explain, feeling myself starting to relive the terrifying moment again. Louis nods his head.

"So the guy's dead?" He asks after a second. I slowly nod my head.

"There were walkers surrounding him the second he was out of the window. There's no way he made it out of that," I answer.

I sigh and look back down to Y/N. I start thinking about how he took a bullet for us, and how scared I was when I saw him hit the ground.

"Clem, I'm sure Y/N's gonna be alright. After all, he's one of the toughest guys I know. I doubt a bullet to the arm is gonna stop him," Louis says reassuringly.

I smile back to him and nod my head as the door opens and Ruby walks in.

"Got our supplies," she says as she walks over to me, carrying a first aid kit.

I stand up to make room for her and she unwraps Y/Ns makeshift bandage and starts to examine his arm.

"Bullet looks to have went clean through, so that makes this easier," Ruby says. She looks back to me and Louis.

"Okay, I'll need some space to fix him up. I'll come get you when I'm done," Ruby explains. I nod my head, and we both turn to walk out of the room. I glance back to Y/N before closing the door.

I walk out of the room, and Louis turns down the hallway. I see Violet leaning against the wall a few doors away.

Louis continues past Violet, and I start to walk over to her.

"How is he?" Vi asks as I reach her.

"He should be okay. Ruby says she can help him," I answer.

"That's good," Violet replies. She looks out towards the window.

"Hey, um.. you should probably head outside.. everyone's starting to argue over what happened..." she explains. I nod my head and we start to walk towards the door.

I open the doors leading to the schoolyard to see the kids all grouped up near the tables. I could hear Brody yelling from here.

"If he survives, you know he's coming back for revenge!" Brody yells. I reach them and she turns to me with an angry look.

"What the hell were you thinking? How could you be so stupid!" Brody shouts angrily. I step back a bit and look to her.

"We had no choice. He could've killed us! Look at what he did to Y/N.. we made the right call," I reply.

"Bullshit! What if there are others? You don't know what people are capable of!" Brody argues. I glare back to her as she stops talking.

"Think again," I say, starting to get frustrated.

Brody steps back and shakes her head.

"I just.. can't- not again... fuck!" She shouts as she starts to pace back and forth.

"Hey, what's going on over here?" Marlon asks as he walks over.

"She took them outside of the safezone! They SAW someone! You know what that means!" Brody explains. Marlon sighs frustratedly.

"Enough! It just means that there's another survivor out there. This has happened before. You are overreacting," Marlon replies. Brody shakes her head.

"You can't be serious," she says quietly.

"Brody, drop it. We'll talk about this later," Marlon replies in a fed up voice.

Brody turns around and storms off. Marlon looks to me.

"Clem... I know I asked you and Y/N for help.. but, what the hell were you thinking?" Marlon asks with a sigh. He looks down and shakes his head.

"Taking Louis and Violet outside of the safezone? Risking your lives fighting against an armed survivor? I told you what happens when we leave the safezone! Y/N got shot out there!" He says in an angry voice.

"Marlon... I'm sorry we went out there, but we didn't have a choice. We needed the food," I reply carefully. 

Marlon looks away, thinking what I said over. After a moment he looks back to me and sighs.

"Yeah.. I know. I know, it's just... shit.. Nothing's easy anymore," he replies with a stressed look.

"Hey, we all made it back. Sure, Y/N got injured... but, nobody died. We're okay," I say reassuringly. Marlon slowly nods his head.

"Yeah, I know. But you still ran into trouble out there. That just proves that we aren't safe..." he says.

Marlon shakes his head and looks over to the duffel bags full of food.

"Look, let's just put this behind us for now.. We can all eat tonight, and for the next few I'd wager... I'll go talk to Brody. You should go enjoy a meal. You've earned it," Marlon explains as he turns towards the admin building.

I walk over to the tables and sit down next to AJ and Louis, who were already eating.

"Is Y/N gonna be okay?" AJ asks worriedly. I nod my head and look to him.

"Yeah, Ruby should be able to help him," I reply. AJ smiles and looks up to me.

"Good. I really like Y/N," he says happily. I smile and look to the dorms.

"Yeah, me too," I say quietly.

We talk for a few minutes until I notice Ruby walking out of the dorms. She walks over to our table.

"Hey, I got Y/N all patched up. He's okay and awake, but he'll need to stay in bed and rest for a few days," she explains. I sigh in relief.

"Okay, thank you for helping him," I reply with a relieved smile. Ruby smiles and nods her head as she walks away.

"I'm gonna get some food for Y/N and me. Can you bring AJ down to our room in a bit?" I ask Louis.

"Yeah, you got it," Louis replies. I stand up as him and AJ start to talk.

After getting two bowls of food for me and Y/N, I start to walk towards the dorms.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now