Chapter 4: Protector

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The three of you were on the road again. You left the gas station early this morning after deciding it was best to get moving as soon as possible, in hopes of restocking on supplies and finding another shelter before dark. As of now, you haven't had any luck with looting buildings since you left.

So far, the drive has been pretty quiet. You've tried to talk to Clem and AJ so you could get to know them better, but you knew most questions would only bring up bad memories.

The only sound you could hear besides the car traveling over the old road, was AJ messing with his revolver. There wasn't much you could do to entertain a six year old.

A few minutes pass of listening to AJ spin the revolvers cylinder before Clementine sighs and adjusts the mirror to look at him.

"Whatcha doin there, goofball?" She asks in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Pretending we had bullets," AJ says in a bored voice.

"Well.. don't. It's getting on my nerves," Clem replies.

AJ puts the gun down and sits up.

"I don't like goofball anymore. I'm too old for it," AJ says to Clem. You see her look at him through the mirror with a saddened expression.

A second passes before a smile crosses Clems face.

"Well, would you prefer shitbird?" She asks with an amused look.

AJ starts to giggle in response and you smile after hearing what she said.

"No... that's mean.. You're a shitbird!" AJ replies while laughing. You let out a small laugh and Clem looks to you both with a smile.

You then see AJ look down and put his hand over his stomach with a pained look. You start to grow a little concerned.

"Uh, you okay AJ?" You ask worriedly. Clem looks back to him with a concerned expression.

"Hungry," AJ answers with a sad look.

You look to Clementine and exchange saddened looks before you glance towards your backpack.

You've all been able to find enough food to keep you going for at least a week now, but sparing some for AJ now could still hurt you.

You look down to see an old magazine and disco broccoli toy sitting on the floor by your feet. You pick the two items up and look at the two for a moment before putting the toy down.

"Um, how about you try and practice your reading?" You ask while you hand him the magazine.

"But I don't wanna..." he replies after a moment.

"It'll help take your mind off of your stomach," Clementine says, trying to help convince him.

AJ takes a moment to think it over before he agrees. He looks down towards the paper and starts to read through it.

"Preee-heat.. oven. P-l-ace cream, bea..beans into a sauce pan and bring to a bo-il," AJ says as you all realize what was going on. You probably should've checked what the magazine was about first...

"Uh... on second thought, nevermind," you say with an embarrassed look.

"Yeah, that'll only make you hungrier," Clementine says with a sigh. AJ sits back and starts to hold his stomach again.

You start to think of other ways to help AJ but aren't able to come up with anything. You suddenly see Clems face light up as she picks up the disco broccoli toy.

"Hey there, Alvin Junior! It's me, disco broccoli. Word on the street is that you wanna eat me. Is that true? Do you want to eat me?" Clementine says in a higher pitched voice as she moves the toy around.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt