Chapter 38: The Fight Begins

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Chapter is out! A bit late on my part.. but did my best to hurry with it :)


"Okay, follow our lead," you whisper to everyone behind you and Clementine, as you all start to make your way into the herd of walkers.

You motion for everyone to split apart a bit as you all draw nearer to the cluster of undead, now hearing nothing but the groaning and growls coming from all of the monsters.

"We got walkers!" A voice suddenly shouts from the direction of the shoreline, as you and the walkers in front of you are quickly blinded by the ships bright flood lights.

A flurry of gunshots then begins to fill the air as you freeze for a second, watching walkers all around you fall to the ground with bullet holes straight through their skulls.

You frantically look around for cover as your eyes land on a walker to your right. You quickly rush over to it as you get right up against its back, just as the ships lights fall onto you and the walker.

Another gunshot rings out through the air as the walker in front of you quickly falls to the ground, now with blood starting to pour out of its rotted skull.

You stumble back from the now dead walker as you look to your side, seeing Clementine copying your same tactic.

"Try to stay behind as many walkers as you can. We'll use them as shields," Clementine whispers to the other kids who were all still a bit further back than you. They all quickly adapt to your strategy as you begin to start making your way further down to the shore, this time being much more careful to have enough cover in front of you.

You and the rest of the kids all continue to slowly make your way forward, being careful to not draw attention from the walkers or raiders until you were about halfway to the dock. As you walk, the sound of horses screaming off in the distance fills your ears as you turn to see a huge fire erupting into the sky, exactly where the raiders had set up their horses.

You and the others all watch as the horses break free from their leashes before taking off into the forest, just as the ships lights shine over to the new commotion.

"Shit, someone go get that fire under control!" One of the raiders shouts, as you all realize that this was your opening to get to the dock unnoticed.

You and the others all start to quickly rush over to the shoreline before diving behind a few supply crates set up along the start of the dock.

"Okay, that fire should keep the raiders distracted long enough for us to figure out our next move," you say as you start to peek out from your hiding spot, wanting to find a clear path to the boats doors.

You quickly start to scan the long wooden platform for a safe pathway to the ships doors, only to find that it was way too in the open to even attempt anything.

"Shit.. the dock barely has any cover on it. We won't have a chance to make it anywhere without being seen," Clementine says as she starts to look out to the dock with you.

You continue to look around for a second, before an idea hits you.

"We could get into the water. That might be the only way we get through this without being seen," you explain as Clementine and the others nod their heads.

"Good idea, we'll just need to wait for an open-" Clementine starts to reply, as you all hear heavy footsteps running down the dock.. directly to where you where hiding.

You hesitantly ready your knife as Clementine and the others all ready their weapons as the footsteps get closer, until they stop just on the other side of your hiding spot.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now