Chapter 20B

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This is by far my longest chapter yet so just wanted to say you might be here for a while longer compared to previous chapters

Choice B "Go to greenhouse"

You shake your head. You felt like sitting this one out was a bad idea.

"Clem... last time I stayed behind for something like this, you got locked in a basement with Brody. You could've died because I wasn't there to help," you explain. You look down to the floor.

"I'd feel better if I went with you for this one. Just in case it's more overrun than they say it is.. and in case Mitch is a problem," you continue.

Clem looks back to you, thinking what you said over. She stands up after a moment.

"Okay, you have a good point. But if you come with me you're going to take it easy. I can't have you getting even more hurt," she replies with a smile.

She looks down to AJ.

"Help me take him to our room so we can get ready then," she says. You go over to AJ and carefully pick him up as the two of you walk back down the stairs.


After dropping AJ off in your room, you and Clementine had met up with Mitch and Ruby. The four of you were almost to the greenhouse.

From outside of the walls surrounding the building, the place looked to be completely overgrown. You could see why Marlon thought it was best to just abandon the place.

You all reach the front gate and walk inside. The building was in rough shape. Half of the windows were cracked or completely broken, and pieces of wood and sheet metal were nailed to the sides of the building.

"This place has seen better days," Clementine says from next to you.

"Yeah, it's a shame we lost control of everything here. Would've made things so much easier if we were still able to use this place," Ruby says from up ahead.

She walks up to the buildings front door and tries to turn the door knob. It doesn't budge.

"There's gotta be another way inside. Look around for anything we could use to get in," Clementine says, and everyone starts to disperse and search around.

Clementine and Ruby start to check around the front, and you walk over to the side of the building. You walk up to the glass windows and try to look inside.

"Can't see shit," you say frustratedly after a moment. The glass was too foggy and dirty to get a clear view of anything.

"There's too much condensation on the inside. Won't be able to see anything from out here," Mitch says from beside you.

"Condensation? That's a big word for you," Ruby says with a smirk. Mitch sighs as he glares back to her with an annoyed look.

"Shut up," he replies. You hear Clementine laugh as Mitch turns away.

You continue looking for a way inside until you notice a broken ladder leaning up against the building. It led directly to an open window up top.

"There. That's our way inside," you announce to the other kids. They all make their way towards you.

"Good spot Y/N. Mitch, give me a boost," Ruby says as she walks up to the ladder.

Mitch steps in front of her.

"Wait up, make them go first," he replies. You and Clementine look to him.

"We send the ones we don't mind losing," he says as he glares at you and Clem. Ruby gasps and looks back to him.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now