Chapter 10B

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Choice B "Fish with Violet and Brody"

"It would probably be best if we split up. Me and AJ can go help one group while you go with the other," Clementine says. You nod your head in agreement.

"Yeah, good idea. I guess I'll go with Violet and Brody. It's been awhile since I've gotten to fish," you reply with smile.

"Cool, me and AJ will go with Louis and Aasim then. Hunting could fun for you to try," Clementine says as she smiles and looks to AJ.

"Sounds good to me. Brody and Violet will be leaving in a bit, and Louis and Aasim should be setting out any moment now," Marlon explains. You and Clem nod your heads and you turn to leave.

"Oh, and.. you might need this," Marlon says as he holds up the map.

"We need all hands on deck if we're gonna find anymore food. Just remember to stay in the safezone... we need you all to come back in one piece," he continues as he walks over to Clem and hands her the map.

"Got it, thanks," she replies as she puts the map away.

You walk over to Clementines side. You see AJ look back go Marlon happily.

"Go get em, AJ," Marlon says with a smile. He raises his hand and AJ gives him a high five.

"Alright, let's get going," You say as the three of you walk out of the room.

You head back outside and you all walk out into the courtyard. You see Violet and Brody standing over by the dorms, getting their things ready.

Louis and Aasim were both by the front gate. It looked like they were about to leave.

"Well, we better go catch up with them. Good luck with fishing," Clementine says and she and AJ start to walk towards the front gate.

"See you soon," you reply. You turn towards Vi and Brody and make your way over to them.


You had been walking for awhile now. The river seemed to be further away from the school than it looked on the map.

Most of the trip through the woods had been silent for you. Nearly the second after the three of you walked out of the schools gate, Violet and Brody had started to argue.

After a few minutes of walking, you decided to just back off and walk behind them, not wanting to listen to them anymore.

The peace and quiet of being out in the forest was nice. It was sort of calming to be out here after the past few days.

You continue walking for a couple more minutes until you're snapped out of your thoughts when you see Violet look back to you and slow down.

"Hey," she says with a small smile as she starts to walk next to you.

"Hey, what's up?" You reply.

"I uh, just wanted to say sorry about seeming a bit off last night when I walked into your guy's room. Seeing someone else in there was... harder than I thought it'd be. You'd think I'd be less sentimental about it all by now," Violet says with a shrug.

"Hey, don't sweat it. I'm glad we all got to talk and get to know each other better," you say reassuringly.

"Yeah I guess I am too," Vi replies. She looks to the ground for a moment before looking back to you.

"So... about you and Clementine.. how long have you two known each other?" She asks.

You look back to her, confused by her question. You look away and think over the past few days.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now