Chapter 31: Morals

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Well, a little late but chapter 31 is here regardless ;)

It's been nearly an hour since you set out to find James. So far you haven't seen any signs of his camp, or anything else for that matter. If you weren't able to find him, your entire plan was pretty much ruined. Without his walkers there would be no way to even get close to reaching the Deltas boat.

As the three of you continue to walk through the woods in search of his camp, you see Clementine look down to AJ with a smile.

"So, how many walkers do you think James will help us get?" She asks playfully.

AJ shrugs with an uninterested look on his face as he continues to walk. You look between him and Clementine, feeling the mood beginning to die down. You clear your throat and quickly speak up.

"I'm thinking at least a couple hundred of them," you say with a hopeful smile.

Clem sends you a small smile as she nods her head.

"A hundred would be nice. That many would definitely be enough to reach the boat," she replies as she looks back down to AJ.

"How many do you think we'll get AJ? Fifteen? One hundred? A thousand?"

"Clem, Y/N... I don't- ow," AJ replies as he clutches his stomach in pain.

You and Clementine both stop and look down to him worriedly.

"Gunshot wound?" Clem asks as she kneels down to him. AJ slowly nods his head as she starts to check him over.

"It feels like someone pinched me from inside," AJ explains with a grimace. You sigh and you nod your head with a pitiful expression. It would be best to give him a minute to rest.

You turn around and start to look through the woods for any sighs of danger. After you confirm that the coast was clear, you turn back to Clem and AJ.

"We should take a few minutes to rest. AJ could use a moment," you explain. Clementine nods her head as she stands up and looks past you.

"We can stop up there," she replies as she points to something behind you. You turn to see a large boulder sitting in a small clearing.

You nod your head as the three of you make your way over to the rock.

You stop in front of the boulder as Clem starts to help AJ up onto the rock.

Clementine finishes making sure AJ was ok and she makes her way over to your side.

You both start to look around at the surrounding trees for any signs of life as you hear AJ sigh from behind you.

"Clem.. Y/N... I keep thinking about what Willy said about Tenn earlier. He was saying mean things about him, and I... I got so mad," he explains frustratedly. You and Clementine both turn to face him as he looks up to you both with a troubled expression.

"He was being mean, and Tenn wasn't even there to defend himself. I wanted to hurt him. I know I shouldn't, but I just can't stop thinking about it," he continues.

You glance over to Clementine to see that you both shared the same sympathetic look. You watch as Clem sighs before sitting down next to AJ.

"AJ, it's okay to get mad at people. You can't help that. But those thoughts have to stay in your head, okay? Don't act on them. Ever," she explains calmly.

AJ nods his head as he takes a deep breath. You see him start to think what she said over for a moment.

"Okay. I'm strong.. I can control what I do. But not what I think," he replies. You see a saddened look begin to slowly overwhelm the boy.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora