Chapter 10: Helping

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Sorry for the long wait on these chapters! Doing my best to get back into publishing with a good schedule :)

The sound of someone knocking on your door wakes you up.

You open your eyes and slowly sit up. Light was already shining into your room through the boarded up window.

You see Clementine sit up from her bed as the door opens.

"Hey, rise and shine, got a long day of work ahead of us. Meet me in the admin building in ten," you hear Marlon announce from the doorway.

"Got it," Clementine replies with a tired voice from across the room.

Marlon nods his head and he turns to leave the room, closing the door behind him.

You slowly get out of your bed and stretch. You couldn't remember the last time you've slept that well.

You look to Clementine and smile.

"Sleep well?" You ask. She smiles back to you and stands up.

"Yeah, best sleep I've gotten in years," she answers. AJ hops out of bed and the three of you get your things ready. You all leave your room and start to head towards the doors leading to the courtyard.

As you reach the doors leading outside, you push them open and the bright sun blinds you for a moment.

After your eyes adjust to the brightness, you look up to the sun to see it shining right above you. Looks like you overslept.

As you walk through the schoolyard, you notice that most of the other kids were already out doing whatever chores they had for the day.

You then see Louis waving at you from the admin building. He was sitting on the stairs leading up to the front doors.

Clementine notices him too and you all start walking over to him.

As you reach him he smiles and stands up.

"Morning guys, Marlon wanted me to tell you to meet him upstairs in the headmasters office," Louis says as you walk over to him.

You nod your head and start to walk on past him, still feeling slightly annoyed with how the card game ended last night.

Louis glances at you with a regretful look before looking over to Clem.

"Hey, uh, could I talk to you for a second, Clementine?" He asks in a nervous voice.

You turn around to see Clementine look to you and AJ before looking back over to Louis.

"Uh, sure," Clem replies with a confused expression. She looks back to you.

"I'll meet you and AJ inside," she says. You nod your head glance at Louis before you and AJ start to walk up the stairs.

You enter the building and walk over to the staircase in the center of the room.

As you walk towards the stairs, you see AJ slow down as a worried look crosses his face.

"Uh, what's wrong, AJ?" You ask as you walk over to him.

AJ looks up to you with a nervous look.

"Marlon's gonna let us stay, right?" He asks.

You look down and sigh. You knew you couldn't promise him anything.

"...I'm not sure what Marlon's gonna say, buddy.. but we gotta stay calm and hope he sees that we're worth keeping around," you reply with a reassuring smile.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now