Chapter 34: Stars and Promises

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Little late, but it's here. I'd recommend reading chapter 33A/B since it's been over a month since I've posted :)


You and Clementine continue to walk through the schoolyard together until you find yourself at the entrance to the bell tower.

As the two of you approach the doorway, you glance up to the top of the tower and stop in your tracks.

The view from outside was a bit.. worrisome. Most of the brick structure had caved in, and you could swear the tower was tilted off to the side a bit...

You look over to Clementine with a concerned expression as she slowly makes her way closer to the building.

"Clem, is this.. uh.. safe?" You ask as she looks up to the top of the tower.

"Violet told me that she always comes up here... and besides, this can't be anymore dangerous than killing walkers or anything else we've been through," she replies after a moment.

You hesitantly nod your head as she glances back to you with a slightly nervous smile before turning back to the tower.

"I.. I guess you're right..." you reply quietly as the two of you walk into the old tower. You were still feeling unsure of if this was a good idea.. but you trusted Clem.

As Clementine pushes the old wooden door open, you instantly notice that the inside of the tower was in just as bad.. if not worse condition than the outside.

The stairs leading up the walls had  broken and missing steps scattered all the way up the tower, and the actual bell was sitting in the middle of the floor with a huge pile of broken wood and metal surrounding it.

"Um.. Violet didn't tell me the stairs were down..." Clementine says quietly. You look over to her for a moment before glancing up to the brick walls. The metal support beams holding the tower in place were all exposed, which would help with scaling the tower...

"We could climb the walls.. at least until we get to a spot where the stairs haven't caved in..." you suggest after a moment, unsure of if you even wanted to do that..

You watch as Clementine takes a second to think it over before nodding her head as she looks back to you.

"..Only if you want to. I don't want to make you climb this thing if you don't feel comfortable with it," she replies softly.

You look back up to the top of the tower as you start to think. This climb was going to be very steep, and any mistakes would probably end with broken bones or even death. But at the same time... you might not get another chance to have some time together...

You look back to Clementine after a moment, having made up your mind.

"Yeah, let's do it. Might as well have a little more fun together before going on this suicide mission in a few hours," you answer with a small smile.

"That's the spirit," Clementine replies as she smiles to you happily before starting to walk over to the staircase leading up the tower.

You follow after her as the two of you look up to the walls, still feeling a bit nervous.

"Well.. this should be an easy climb. Just be careful.. and don't look down," Clementine explains with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Yeah.. definitely not planning on looking down," you reply as you look to the fallen bell that was embedded into the wooden floor.

The two of you take another second to prepare yourselves before you reach up to the metal beams above your head to start your climb.

You start to anxiously begin climbing up the towers walls as Clementine follows after you, both of you being extremely careful not to make any mistakes.

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