Chapter 28A "Loss"

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If you chose to stay back with AJ and not go to the greenhouse, this is your story.

(If you chose to go to the greenhouse, go to chapter 28B)


"Oh fuck!!" You hear someone scream. You slowly shake your head as you start to regain your senses.

You look around to see that you were now on the ground outside of the school. You were in extreme pain.

"God damnit!!" Abel shouts. You realize that you were laying on top of him. He had broke your fall, while also breaking his own body. His leg and arm were both twisted completely around.

You slowly move to get off him as you feel the cold steel of a gun barrel press against the back of your head.

You sigh as you raise your hands. The person steps around to face you as you look up to them. It was Lilly.

She was staring down at you angrily. You take a deep breath as you realize there wasn't a way out of this.

Lilly sighs and shakes her head as you glare back at her.

"Such a disappointment. Capturing you might've made this whole mission worth it. You're strong, smart, capable, and young. It's too bad you decided to side with the wrong people. You could've saved so many lives by joining us," She says with a smirk.

She aims the rifle to your forehead and you close your eyes, accepting that this was it. You sigh and start to think of Clementine and the others as she pulls the trigger.

You hear her gun go off as a a bullet hits the ground next to you. You open your eyes to see Clementine rushing towards Lilly.

You watch as Clem tackles her as the two of them hit the ground with Clementine on top of her. You spot Lilly's gun next to you, and you jump into action.

You start to reach for the gun as you feel something latch onto your foot. It starts to pull you towards it as you turn to see Abel glaring up at you.

You immediately start to kick him in the face, breaking his nose after a few hits. Abel lets go and cries out in pain before reaching out to you again, only to be met by Rosie's teeth.

She latches onto him and begins to tear into his arm as Abel starts to scream.

You hop onto your feet and turn to reach for the gun, only to see that it was gone. You look up to see Lilly running off towards the front gate with the other woman from earlier. Clementine was being dragged off by her side. You couldn't tell if she was conscious or not...

You start to nervously look around for anything that could help you, and after a moment you spot Clems bow laying on the ground.

You quickly pick it up and ready an arrow as you aim it towards the woman. You instantly fire an arrow at her as you start to rush towards her.

The woman screams in pain as the arrow collides with her shoulder. She lets go of Clementine and turns to retreat.

You watch as the woman rushes to the front gate as you kneel down next to Clem. You pick her up and start to make your way to one of the flipped tables.

"We cut our losses! Fall back! Pull in and fall back!" Lilly shouts from the gate. You turn around to see the rest of the surviving raiders running off with their horses. You couldn't tell if they had captured any kids.

You rush over to the admin building and you lay Clementine down as she looks up to you weakly.

"Clem, I have to go after them. Just stay here and wait for me to come back, okay?" You explain. She slowly nods her head as you stand back up.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now