Chapter 20A

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Choice A "Stay back with AJ"

You nod your head after a second.

"Okay, I guess I'll take it easy for now," you say.

Clem nods her head and she stands up.

"Thanks. I'll be fine out there. Trust me," she says reassuringly. You nod your head as she looks down to AJ.

"Could you watch over him for me? Make sure he's alright until I come back?" She asks.

"Yeah, I've got him... Stay safe," you reply as you glance down at AJ. Clementine nods her head as she starts to walk down the staircase.

After a few minutes you decide it would be best for AJ to rest on his own bed.

You pick him up as gently as you can and you start to make your way down the staircase.


You reach your room and you lay AJ down on his bed. He was asleep, but you could tell he was still in pain.

You start to put your things back onto the shelf next to your bed. Hopefully the kids would be fine with you staying for now...

After you put the rest of your supplies up, you look out towards the window. The sun was getting ready to set now. You figured dinner would be ready soon, and Clementine would be back from the greenhouse any time now.

You start to make your way to the door as you suddenly hear AJs bed creak.

You turn to see AJ sitting up slightly. He looks up to you as you walk over to him.

"Hey Y/N," he says with a weak smile. You kneel down next to him.

"Hey AJ. How are you feeling?" You ask. AJ sits up completely as a pained look crosses his face.

"I'm ok. Where's Clementine?" He asks as he looks around the room.

"She's outside helping the kids right now. She'll be back any minute," you reply.

AJ looks down with a worried expression.

"Are they still mad at me?" He asks sadly. You look away for a second, feeling bad for him.

"I'm.. not sure AJ... Everyone's just scared and confused right now. Just.. give it a few more days, I'm sure they'll be able to forgive you," you answer with a reassuring smile.

AJ looks to you and he nods his head. He had a more calmed look now.

"Okay, I believe you. Thanks for helping me and Clementine all of the time. You're a good friend," he says happily. You smile back to him.

"You're welcome buddy. I'm gonna go outside and see what everyone else is doing. Me and Clem will be back soon, so just get some rest until then, okay?" You say.

AJ nods his head as he lays back down. You stand up and make your way to the door.


You walk out into the schoolyard to see the rest of the kids scattered around the yard.

You see Tenn sitting by himself at the tables. You decide to go talk to him.

As you reach him, you notice that he was drawing on a small piece of paper.

"Hey Tenn," you say with a smile. Tenn looks up to you and waves as you sit down across from him.

"Hey, Y/N. How's AJ doing?" He replies.

"He's okay. He's resting right now but he'll be back on his feet in a few days," you reply. Tenn nods his head as he continues to draw. 

"I'm glad you guys are okay. I was really worried after Louis and Violet came back and explained what happened," he says after a moment.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now