Episode 2: Fight for them

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Previously on The Walking Dead:

You've been on the road for most of your life, searching for somewhere to call home.

From what you've experienced, most people weren't worth sticking with anymore. You didn't know if you'd ever find anyone you could trust in this world... then, you met Clementine and AJ.

You quickly grew to like the two, and you all decided it would be best to travel together.

After spending a few days on the road with each other, you ran into some trouble at a train station. It looked like you'd reach the end of your road, but then a teenager named Marlon saved you and brought you back to his group.

Marlon and his people were set up in an old boarding school. It didn't take long for you to grow to like the place. The rest of the kids were cool for the most part, and you actually felt safe behind their walls. It felt like you had a chance to survive here.

But that idea collapsed the second AJ had raised his gun to Marlon. If he pulled that trigger... any chance of having a home could be at stake.

Well... My break from writing ended up being longer than expected, but I'm back and will be working on having chapters releasing over the next few days :)

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now