Chapter 3: Closer

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You wake up to the sound of a door closing. As you open your eyes, you remember your current situation with Clementine and AJ.

You sit up to see AJ sitting down in the center of the room messing with his revolver. Clementine was nowhere to be seen.

"Uh, morning AJ... where's Clementine?" You ask. AJ looks up to you and puts his gun down.

"She's outside packing up our supplies. She'll be back any second now," he answers. You nod your head and go to stand up, but realize you were still tied up against an exposed wooden frame in the wall.

"How long have you guys been awake?" You ask as you sit back down.

"Maybe an hour now. Clem said you looked really tired last night so she let you sleep in," he replies.

You remember that just before you fell asleep Clementine said she'd keep watch for the night while you and AJ slept. Part of you thought that was just a nicer way for her to say that she didn't trust you yet.

"So you're really on your own?" AJ asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Yep, I've been by myself for a long time," you reply. The boy looks to you with a suprised expression.

"How did you make it this long by yourself?" He asks.

"Well... I've gotten pretty lucky out here. There's been a lot of close calls I've experienced while on my own," you reply. AJ looks back to you with a curious expression.

"Last night you said you've been with other groups before... Why would you want to be by yourself instead of with others?" He asks.

You take a moment to think what he said over. You start to think of the last group you were with, and the terrible people they were. 

"Most people aren't worth being with anymore. In my experience, a lot of the survivors left out here are bad people. But you guys are cool," you answer with a small smile.

You're able to get AJ to smile as the front door suddenly opens. You see Clementine walk in.

"Hey, sleep well?" She asks as she walks over to AJ.

"Yeah, thanks again for letting me stay," you reply. Clem nods her head with a smile.

"It's no problem... but, um... can we talk for a second?" She asks after a moment.

"Uh, sure," you reply. Clem nods and sits down in front of you.

"So... I spend the whole night thinking it over... and I've finally made up my mind. Do you want to come with us?" She asks. You start to feel a bit relieved.

"I thought over everything you said about how hard making it alone was now, and how hard it's been for us too... I just think the best thing would be for us to stick together," she continues.

You smile before replying.

"Yeah, I'd love to tag along," you say. Clem smiles and looks back to AJ.

"Great, well... we should get moving. We've got a long day ahead of us," Clementine replies as she cuts you free. 

You stand up and feel pain continue to throb in your ankle. It felt better than yesterday, but you'd still need to take it easy.

You limp your way to the other corner of the room and pick up your backpack. You follow Clementine and AJ outside.

"We've been doing our best to search every house we come across, but there isn't much left to find. We're starting to run pretty low on food and gas," Clementine says.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now