Chapter 22: Feelings

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It had been a week since you all started work on the school. So far, things were going well. The walls were completely fixed with barbed wire, and the rest of the school had enough defenses set up to hopefully hold the raiders off.

You've noticed that everyone else had pretty much moved on from what AJ did. They all seemed okay with you staying now, and nobody was angry anymore.

Throughout the past couple of days, you've grown closer to Clementine as well. You really liked being around her.


As of right now, you were finishing up your shift on lookout. It was kind of strange with how quiet things have been. You figured Lilly would've shown up days ago, but you were also glad you've had this much time to prepare.

You suddenly notice Clementine walking out into the yard with AJ at her side. His condition has been getting better, but he still had a ways to go before he was fully healed.

You're pulled out of your thoughts as you see Tenn walk up from beneath you.

"Hey, I'll take over now if you want. You only have a few minutes left anyways," he explains. You nod your head and start to make your way down from the watchpost.

"Okay, thanks Tenn," you say as you reach the ground. Tenn smiles and nods his head.

You start to make your way over to Clementine. She was currently talking to Marlon and Violet. AJ was over by Louis now.

You wave to Clem as you reach them.

"Hey guys, how's everything going?" You ask with a friendly smile.

"Good so far. We're all still working hard," Violet answers. Clementine looks to you.

"How was lookout duty?" She asks. You shrug and glance back at the front gate.

"Quiet as usual. Saw an occasional walker passing by but other than that it's been clear out there," you answer. Clem nods her head.

"I'm honestly surprised Lilly hasn't showed up yet. I'll take the extra time to prepare, but it's just strange that they're taking this long," she explains.

"Well, they took two weeks to return last year... but it is weird that they're giving us this much time to prepare," Marlon replies.

Violet sighs and looks back to you and Clem.

"Anyways, we were about to go clear out some old rooms in the admin building. I have some more work that needs to be done if you two are up to it," she says. You and Clementine look to her.

"What is it?" Clem asks. Violet points over to the dorms.

"We need someone to go clear out the backside of the dorms. We blocked off the hallway leading back there a few years ago but at this point we don't know what condition those rooms are in. If there's a broken window or something, that just gives the raiders an easy way in. If they find a way to sneak by our defenses then all of this preparing would be useless," she explains.

Clem nods her head as she looks over to you. You shrug in response.

"I don't have anything else to do. We'll handle it," you reply. Violet nods her head and sends you both a thankful look.

"Great, thanks guys. We'll be in the admin building if you need anything. Be careful," she replies. The two of you nod your heads as Marlon and her walk off.

Clementine looks to you.

"Ready to get to work?" She asks. You smile and start to walk.

"Yep. Let's get this done," you reply. The two of you make your way over to the dorms and you walk inside.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now