Chapter 18A

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Choice A "Rush at Abel"

You take a deep breath and ready yourself.

"Come on squirt, I know you don't-" Abel starts to say as you rush out from the trees and lunge at him.

Abel raises his shotgun as you slam into him, knocking him to the ground.

You jump onto him and go to stab him, piercing his arm.

Abel shouts in pain as he fights against you, and you suddenly feel something hard hit you in the back of your head.

Everything starts to grow dizzy as you feel someone grab you and toss you onto the ground next to Clementine.

You hit the ground on your stomach, and you lay there for a second, trying to regain your senses.

You shake your head and go to roll over, only to feel someone slam their foot onto your neck.

"Stay down, or he dies," you hear a woman command. She presses her foot down even harder, and you groan in pain.

You glance over to Clementine, and she immediately lays back down and puts her arms out.

"Okay, just please.. don't hurt him!" Clem pleads desperately.

The woman takes her foot off of you, but you still felt her rifle at the back of your head.

"Both of you stay down. Don't move or try anything. We don't want to kill you unless we have to," the woman says. You sigh and start to look around the surrounding trees. You didn't see a way out of this...

Abel starts to walk towards you with AJ at gunpoint.

"I've seen these ones before. You'll like em. Fighters," he says with a chuckle.

"We're looking for a kid. Runs a community around here. Names Marlon," the woman explains.

You and Clementine look to each other in fear. Neither of you say anything.

"We know about the school, and that you three live there... So how about it? You take us back to your school and we can talk to your friends. Nobody gets hurt," she continues.

"We don't live there," you say angrily. The woman laughs.

"I find that very hard to believe," she replies.

"Don't worry... I can make them talk," Abel says with a grin, as he starts to twist AJs arm behind his back. AJ starts to scream in pain as Clementine tries to get up.

The woman immediately kicks Clementine back down as she points her gun to you.

"Don't hurt him!" Clementine shouts.

"Sure, if you do like we ask. Otherwise I'm happy to crack his head open. You ever seen old fruit explode after you throw it at something? That's exactly how it'll look," Abel says with a grin.

The woman kicks Clementine over to face her.

"Clementine!" AJ yells.

You see Clem and the woman stare at each other for a moment. They both had a look of suprise.

"Oh my god..." the woman says quietly. You look to her and Clem, confused by what was happening.

"Clementine... it's.. you?" The woman asks.

"I- my name is Lilly," she adds quickly. Clementine stares back at her and leans up.

"... Lilly? I thought you died.." Clementine says quietly.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now