~Chapter Fifteen~

Start from the beginning

Pills that are from the pharmacy are branded.

I looked up at him but he had a blank expression on his face.

"I'm not trying to poison you," he muttered. I looked down at the pill and saw the branding. I popped it in my mouth and dry swallowed it.

"I apologise," I mumbled while placing the packet  back in his hand. He gave me a warm smile.

"It's okay. I get it. You don't know who you can trust yet," he smiled. I nodded, my lips curving upwards a little.

The baby in his arms began to squirm and whimper. You could tell it was a girl, she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Beautiful baby. Is she yours?" I said softly while looking at his arms.

"Yeah she is. Thank you," he whispered softly. We stayed silent for a few moments, staring at his daughter.

"She doesn't look like you," I chuckled. He looked up at me and gave me a sad smile.

"She looks like her mother. Splitting image," I could hear the sadness in his voice. He was sad.

"She passed a three minutes after she was born. She didn't make it," he whispered. I swallowed sharply. I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Don't look at me like that," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's pity. Don't pity me. She lived a good life and I'm living without her. It's hard but I'm doing well and so is she. She's at rest," he assured. I nodded. We stared for a few more moments.

"Do you want to hold her?" He asked while searching my face for an answer.

I've always loved babies. I've always wanted kids of my own.

I don't think it's a possibility anymore.

I've been to OB after OB and they all tell me the same thing. The same stupid sentence that makes me want bawl my eyes out after the appointment.

And I don't cry often so it just shows how upsetting it is.

'It is unlikely that you will be able to have children or conceive'

It breaks my heart every time I hear those words but I've become accustom to it.

"Victoria?" Theodore called.

"Yes, I want to hold her," I whispered. He smiled and nodded, carefully handing me his daughter. Her head rested in the crook of my elbow while my other arm supported her back.

"What's her name?" I asked while admiring her beauty.

"Eliane. She's almost three months," he told me.

"I've always loved that name," I smiled.

"Yeah well my wife told me she loved the name so that's what I named her," he said. Eliane began to stir in my arms, babbling and yawning.

When her eyes slowly opened, she stared at me with her giant blue eyes. My heart melted.

She had thick dark hair, black even. Her eyes were the biggest I've seen and her long lashes extenuated the shape. She had a button nose and pouty lips.

"She's gorgeous," I smiled. He started laughing.

"And so are you," he chuckled. I could feel a blush creep onto my face, my cheeks radiating heat. I shook my head to contain my laughter but I couldn't.

I giggled a little and caressed her chubby cheeks with my index finger.

"I love babies. But me and kids aged from five to thirteen don't mix," I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

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