Together at last

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"Uhh long story!" Vorak said nervously.

Zarkon was mortified when he saw things scattered across the room, mainly used for babies. Newborn babies to be exact.

"Uh Vorak for the love everything that is good get the woman some water! Now!" Helgara yelled from the guest bedroom.

"What's going on?!" Zarkon growled in frustration.

"Well you see-"

Vorak was cut off by a familiar yelp of pain. Zarkon immediately put the pieces together and dread practically strangled him.

"It can't be..." He muttered.

"Oh it be buddy." Vorak said.

Zarkon couldn't take the suspense once he heard yet another cry of pain and barged into the guest bedroom where his heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Oh my-" Helgara gasped.

"Zarkon?" Elara mumbled when she saw him after so long. She was already in tears from the pain but now she was crying out of so many other emotions.

He bolted to her side and finally got to hold her after half a year of not embracing her, talking to her, or even seeing her. She tried speaking but couldn't, one reason was because of the pain of labor and the other was because of all the overwhelming emotions.

"I know. I'm so sorry." Zarkon said and kissed her forehead.

He couldn't believe he missed out on her whole pregnancy. He wished he vkilled that demon sooner. Now here he was, a witness of Elara's pain.

"It hurts so bad... I can't take the waiting it! Get this thing out of me!" She whined in pain.

This was her first birth without anything to numb the pain. She felt everything. If she was to tear, she'd definitely feel it, and to make things worse she still had to wait a few more hours to get fully dilated .

"It's ok. You'll be ok I promise. Think of something nice to distract yourself." Zarkon said, holding her hand and rubbing her belly.

"I just want to be done with this." She sniffled.

"Shh I know you're exhausted, angel, but in here to help you through it just like I did every single time before. Break my hand if you need to. As long as you're relaxed, you can hurt me if you have to." He said and nuzzled her forehead.

After about two hours of contractions, it was finally time for Elara to push, it was horrible.

She screamed in pure pain and agony. Thankfully the walls were soundproof so Allegra couldn't hear her mother screaming bloody murder.

"I can't go on any longer... I'm tired." Elara panted against his shoulder.

"Just a few more pushes and you're done." Zarkon said, kissing her forehead.

She nodded tiredly and forced herself to keep going and after so many heart wrenching minutes, a loud cry was finally.

Elara flopped back against her pillow. Zarkon cut the cord anxiously and waited for Helgara to clean off the newborn and put them in a swaddle, years of medical experience paid off pretty well.

Once she did, she handed the baby to Zarkon so he could tell a very tired Elara the gender of the baby.

He undid the swaddle a little and immediately turned to Elara.

"Well?" She asked tiredly.

"It's a boy." He said, smiling widely.

"No way." She said in pure disbelief.

"Here." Zarkon said, handing the baby to Elara.

She undid the swaddle herself to see if it was true. She gasped and laughed in pure shock.

"We have another boy." He said happily and hugged her.

"He's beautiful." Elara sniffled and cradled her baby boy.

"What do we name him?" Zarkon asked.

"I like Audax. It's old and has meaning." Elara said.

"Audax it is." Zarkon said, melting over their miracle prince.

He finally had his family back.

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