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A week has passed and the hunt for Honerva has gotten serious. At this point it was on sight, meaning, wherever she was, she is to be seized and taken to Daibazaal so Zarkon can finally get revenge for what she did.

If Elara and the baby don't make it, it's going to get very ugly very quickly. Zarkon may lose his ability to have mercy.

Speaking of Zarkon, he was a wreck. He sat next to Elara's bedside in the medbay alone, nobody else there, staring at her. Everything had gone wrong.

She was only 34 and on life support. Not to mention, their premature baby was practically on life support as well.

He has so many memories with her. Too many to count. He remembered the day he told his father that he was falling in love with her all those years ago.

For him to know that there is a chance she'll die is heart wrenching. He couldn't bear the thought of losing a wife and child.

'Not like this...' he thought.

He had been tormented with dreams. Dark dreams. Visions of a funeral. Two funerals. One adult. One child.

There was nothing he could do but wait for them. He could only wait for a miracle. His only option was to find the witch and kill her slowly and painfully...

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