Deflecting suspicion

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Contains some spice

Elara has noticed a change in Zarkon's behavior lately. He was more clingy but more secretive. She was worried sick about him.

Leara was also acting strange. It was like they were hiding something from her. She was going to find out what it was but for now she treaded lightly.

One night when she and Zarkon were in bed together, snuggled up, she was laying on his chest and he had his hands resting on her lower back.

"You know... I've been thinking a lot lately." Zarkon said out of the blue.

"Really? What's on your mind?" She asked.

"Don't you think it's time we give the throne to Koltor and Vetza?" He asked her.

"But lovey, you always said you want to rule until your last breath like most emperors do. What's changed?" Elara asked, sitting up to the point she was straddling him, wouldn't be the first time.

"First off... Don't straddle me if you want to be able to stand up in the morning. Secondly... I don't want to spend our golden years working constantly. I want to spend them with you peacefully." He said.

"Zarkon we aren't that old. I'm only 47 and you're 49. We're fine but if that's what you want then I'm willing to retire to have more time with you." She said, caressing his face lovingly.

"Then it's settled. Koltor will take over." Zarkon said with a smile.

"And to be honest, I really don't feel like walking so much tomorrow. I could use a relaxing day in bed." She said suggestively, doing the main thing he can't resist, which was her running her tail under his chin.

"How about a week in bed?" He asked, hands now in her hips.

She may be nearly 50 but she had the same body she did 10 years ago, just slightly wider hips due to having multiple children.

"Try me." She said.

The man sure knew how to distract his wife. However, it would only work for so long.

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