Nighly cuddles

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Elara, Allegra, and Audax were back in the palace. Everything was back to normal and Elara and Zarkon had worked things out.

After all eight of their children fell asleep the two were awake in bed together but pretty tired. Zarkon was unexpectedly more affectionate and clingy now that Elara was back after a year of separation.

He was laying on top of her with his head on her chest. She never thought he'd be so clingy but here he is. Clearly she wasn't getting up any time soon since she had a drowsy, ridiculously buff, 10 foot tall man laying on here. She wasn't complaining. Until now.

"Zarkon, as much as I love you, I really need you to get off me, my legs are losing feeling." She huffed.

"That's not the first time I've heard you say that." He muttered.

"What- oh you filthy reptile!" She scoffed and whacked him in the head.

"Don't be so innocent. You've been taunting me all day and now you deny me a good time. How despicable!" He joked.

"You know what? I know we're both exhausted, so tomorrow you can do whatever you please with me all freaking day so you don't throw a fit, just don't scar anybody for life." She said.

"Promise?" He said, suddenly leaping off of her and laying beside her.

"Yes I promise." She huffed. She's mostly grumpy when she's tired.

"Aww is the kitten mad?" He taunted.

"Don't make me take it back." She scoffed.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly and pecked her cheek.

"I'm better now so goodnight." She said and got comfortable.

They both got in their usual sleeping position which was just Elara laying on top of her body pillow, her own husband.



"One more kit?"




"Ten kits isn't a lot..."

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