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With an awful morning a little over a month after that session, Elara has been vomiting along with feeling light headed every morning for a week straight. Zarkon had a gut feeling she was pregnant. She knew she was but confirmation was key.

The two were currently paying Ulaz, the medic, a visit to see if they were in fact, expecting a little one.

"I understand you have noticed symptoms of pregnancy so if you could lay on the examination bed and lay perfectly still." Ulaz said.

Elara did as Ulaz asked her to and Zarkon held her hand just in case. Ulaz held a scanner just over her lower abdomen and after a while, an image popped onto a monitor.

"Well it appears you are in early stage of pregnancy, you're about five weeks in." Ulaz said.

"Is the child healthy?" Zarkon asked, smiling widely, joyed to hear that he'd have a child who shares his blood on the way.

"Yes. Both mother and child are in perfect health." Ulaz said.

"Can the heartbeat be heard yet?" Elara asked.

"I can check." Ulaz said.

After a few moments a heartbeat was heard and it put a smile on both Zarkon and Elara's faces.

They were over the moon to finally we expecting a child of their own by blood. They were very excited to reveal to the rest of their family of the upcoming family addition.

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