Meeting the family

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Two days have passed since Koltor's birth and the rest of the family is coming to see the new addition.

At the moment, Allegra was sitting right next to her mother who of course had Koltor in her arms fast asleep.

After a couple minutes of waiting in the private lounge room Zarkon came in with his parents, Elara's parents, his sister (gasp), and Sendak.

"Oh my goodness!" Zarkon's younger sister by two years, Gnedra, whispered excitedly once her eyes laid on her slumbering nephew.

"He looks exactly like his father." Helgara said, smiling at her grandson.

"He's beautiful." Athena said, tears welling up in her eyes since she finally had a grandchild by blood, yes, she adored Allegra with all her heart but she had always wanted a biological grandbaby to spoil.

"He's perfect." Buloc said, smiling proudly at Zarkon.

"Oh how I wanted to kill Zarkon when I found he got my little girl pregnant. I'm glad I didn't." Vorak said.

"Trust me daddy, we are too." Elara huffed.

The family took turns holding the new baby while the happy and tired parents watched beaming smiles as they snuggled with Allegra.

The two granny's sat together after holding their grandson, talking with each other as the others chatted.

"Well... We were right." Athena said.

"Our babies did end up together." Helgara said to her long time best friend.

"They're so good together." Athena said happily.

"I always wanted this kind of happiness for her." Helgara said, smiling at her daughter who cradled Koltor while chatting with Zarkon.

"I did for Zarkon too. Now look, they have a family together." Athena said, wiping some tears away.

"Now we have to wait on Sendak and Gnedra to find their own person." Helgara.

"Helgara please... By the time they do you and I will be rolling in our graves..."

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