Mood swings

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Weeks went by and at 16 weeks pregnant Elara had mood swings, bad mood swings.

As of right now she was in her bedroom sobbing her heart out. Like tears streaming down her face endlessly.

Zarkon walked into the bedroom and saw her bawling her eyes out and assumed she was in pain and panicked.

"Are you alright?! What hurts?! Who hurt you bunny? Tell me!" He growled.

"I feel disgusting!" She wailed and kept crying.

"What why?" He asked, sitting right beside her.

"I can't stop eating, I always need to pee, and I'm gonna get fat!" She cried.

"Angel... You're not disgusting. You're pregnant. Nobody thinks you're disgusting, not even me." He said to and pulled her into a hug.

"Are you still going to love me when I'm fat?" She asked.

"Of course I'll still love you. You won't be fat either. You're not considered fat when you're pregnant. You're carrying a baby in there. If anything, I'll love a thousand times more." He said.

With that she finally calmed down with his words of reassurance. That day even Allegra was tremendously confused when her mother would break down at random. Poor girl.

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