Serious discussion

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Two years after Bellatrix came along Zarkon and Elara were surprised with another baby girl. Zanthea, now two months old is the spitting image of her mother, minus the blue hair.

At 28 years old Elara was tired of popping out babies. She's the mother of four and not even 30. She was OVER it.

Hence the current conversation she was having with her husband in their bedroom.

"One more?" He asked.

"No." She dead panned, arching a brow.

"But they're so joyous!" Zarkon whined.

"Hm... I don't recall you carrying them for 8 months and then going through hours and hours of labor which is basically hours and hours of debilitating contractions of your uterus, oh you don't have one anyway, trying to work another living being out of a very small hole." Elara sassed.

"Well I-" Zarkon started.

"Ah. Discussion over. No more babies." Elara said seriously.

"Ok..." He huffed.

Elara chuckled and took her butt to sleep. Zarkon was sad that there'd be no more babies. Oh well.

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