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"I cannot believe you." Elara huffed in annoyance.

"Is it really that serious?!" Zarkon screeched.

"Of course it's serious!" She yelled.

What were these two arguing about? Well because of Zarkon's mild stupidity something happened during that 'heated time' together on the last night of their little getaway.

"I'm feeling to understand why you would call for room service 30 seconds before 'you know what' started. It's your fault that poor room service lady is traumatized for the rest of her life! Hell! She's scarred for life and neither of us got to enjoy our last night here." Elara said.

"Is it really my fault?" He asked.

"Who else's fault would it be?" She huffed. 

"You!" Zarkon barked.

"I'm sorry what was that I couldn't seem to hear you?" She hissed getting dead serious.

"Nothing my love. Why don't we get our things packed for when we leave tomorrow morning?" He suggested, avoiding angering his wife.

"Smart choice." She huffed and went to pack her things.

Wow married for about a week and he's already screwed up. Poor guy. On the bright side he's banged her three times every day so it's not like his privileges are getting snatched.

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