Strange sightings

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Over the past few weeks, many from across the star system have reported sighting of a young Galra girl, aged about 13, showing up to various planets on her own. She bore a striking resemblance to Elara.

This was unsettling to many who saw her so naturally they reported this to Zarkon. Ever since Elara's nearly fatal attack and Leara's disappearance he was hellbent on keeping his family safe especially now that his daughter-in-law is pregnant.

Zarkon hadn't said anything to Elara yet but after seeing images of the child, he felt something in him fire up. He knew to trust his gut. He had his best officers track down the girl and detain her, meeting him halfway on his cruiser so he could see if his gut led him astray or not.

He came up with an excuse, telling Elara that he had to attend a meeting. Usually they'd go together but this time was different according to him.

She thought nothing of it and went on with her day after bidding her husband goodbye so he could be off to that 'meeting.'

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