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"I'm sorry... He's yelling at you? For nothing you say?" Sendak asked.

"I don't know what I did. I never said anything bad to him. His yelling scares me. I think he's approaching the point where he'll actually... You know." Elara said honestly.

"You think he'd put his hands on you. Let me tell you something. I already feel bad enough that Razor got away with hitting you for so long, I'll be damned if it happens again. If he puts his hands on you, he won't see the light of day. I promise you that." Sendak said.

"I'll gladly help by the way." Cressida, Sendak's new lady, walking into the lounge.

"I just had a baby four months ago. I don't need this right now." Elara said and sat on couch, more frustrated than she has ever been.

"Elara... you're my little sister. I'll never let anybody hurt you. As much as he's changed, I don't think he'd ever hit you. Maybe you two just need a break." Sendak said.

"We had a break. A forced divorce. Ever since we remarried, it's like he doesn't love me the same anymore. It hurts." Elara said with a sad sigh.

"We're here for you. We will always be." Cressida said, sitting next to her.

"Elara... When the tension gets high around him, leave the room and come talk to us." Sendak said.

All she did was nod in agreement. All she wanted was to feel loved. Zarkon has been so unhinged lately. Hopefully his rage doesn't blind him.

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