Light in the dark

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Weeks went by and Elara found herself in a tough situation. After a year, she has to go back to the palace... For a funeral.

Zarkon's father had grown ill and passed away. She was devastated when Sendak told her and it killed her to break the news to Allegra and Audax. She felt awful for Athena, Gnedra, and her children but most of all Zarkon. Him amd his father have always been close.

She knew what she had to do. She had to go and support her children. Being the emperor's estranged wife had it's difficulties. Everybody had their eyes on her wherever she went.

Today was the funeral and after the typical service there was a repass for family and close friends.

Elara consoled her kids and her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Poor Gnedra was destroyed because her father only knew her son for very little time. Her son is now four months old.

Elara knew there was one person missing. Zarkon. She knew just how badly the loss of his father hurt him and knew she needed to woman up and pull it together for his sake.

She knew him better then most people. She knew exactly where he'd be at a time like this. Since they're not divorced, she had access to the entire palace.

He was at their, well, his private lounge room. He was sitting in the balcony for fresh air and time to grieve alone which is something that deep down in his soul, he wishes he had company and wishes do come true.

He was sitting alone when he sensed somebody's presence.

"Sendak... Please don't do it today." He huffed.

"Wrong twin."

He froze up. He hadn't heard that voice for quite a while. He couldn't bring himself to turn around to look at or even speak her.

"Look at me Zarkon. Please." She pleaded, begging a little.

He stood up with a heavy sigh and turned to look at her. She was shattered. He looked physically and emotionally exhausted. It broke her heart.

"Zarkon..." She whimpered sadly.

"His last words were about you." He mumbled.

"About me? Why?" She asked.

"He knew that I missed you all this time. He knew I've been longing for your return. He said 'Make things right. I know you'd die for her. You know you need her.' He was right." Zarkon said and sat back down with his face in his large hands, putting his helmet off to the side.

He was never one to cry so he never did. Not even now. He's been holding it all in. Elara knows he needs to let it out. She stood in front of him and exhaled deeply.

"You can't hold in your emotions any longer. It's hurting you now. Don't do that to yourself. It's ok to cry. Nobody will judge you. Please don't fight and just let it out. You don't always have to be strong. It's perfectly fine to be vulnerable. Let it out." She said and tried removing his hands from his face and when she did, she saw tears, real tears.

He couldn't speak and hugged around her waist and buried his face in her neck, still sitting down, he was way taller than her so obviously he didn't have to stand. She hugged him and let him break down.

"You needed to release all the emotions. It's ok to no be strong." She whispered in efforts to soothe him.

He cried for about ten minutes before finally relaxing. He stared her dead in the eyes.

"Come back to me angel." He said.

"Glady." She said while nodding.

A sad occasion brought them back together. He needs her and she needs him.

That's just how things are.

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