Postpartum depression

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About two days after Bellatrix made her dramatic entrance, Elara has been acting strange. It was concerning to the family. Zarkon was getting very worried about her. She just wasn't herself.

It was alarming to see her act so differently in just two days. It seems as if Elara was struggling to bond with her newborn. She doesn't hate her child, not at all.

Zarkon went straight to Ulaz for answers.

"I don't know what's the matter with her. She's always so sad, whenever she's with the baby she's just so distant from Bellatrix herself, she's not bonding with her own child. She was never like that with Allegra and Koltor. Anytime Bellatrix is asleep at night she won't even get a wink of sleep herself." Zarkon said full of concern.

"It appears to me that she's suffering postpartum depression. It'll be hard for her to bond Bellatrix. The fact that she was in labor for hours with no help or medication is traumatic. She didn't even have anything to numb the pain during delivery. She's depressed and traumatized." Ulaz said.

"What am I going to do to help her? I can't force her to bond with Bellatrix." Zarkon huffed in frustration.

"Just give her time. Help as much as you can taking care of her and the baby." Ulaz said.

Truthfully, Elara I was having flashbacks of the moment she had to endure contractions and hide her pain. She felt guilt. She feels as if something could have happened to her baby and it would be her fault.

Zarkon then went on to help Elara as much as he could that day but there was no change in her tiredness. He worried about her so much. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to her because of her depression. To him she just looks so lost.

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