A question

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Zarkon just got the news that his close friend, King Alfor is getting married. He couldn't go alone so he had an idea up his sleeve.

The Galra emperor has finally accepted his true feeling for Elara. Yes, she is a devoted mother already but he also cared immensely for eight month old Allegra.

One day while Elara was having a quick chat with Ladnok in a hallway, Zarkon pulled her aside to talk in private. He took her to his study to talk.

"As you may have heard in the gossip around the palace, King Alfor is getting married." Zarkon said.

"I know. I got an invite." Elara replied nonchalantly.

"Well yes- wait what?" Zarkon suddenly asked in surprise.

"He's marrying my best friend, Melenor. We have been friends ever since we met at a festival on some distant planet." Elara said.

"Well... You're coming with me." Zarkon said bluntly.

"Hm? You're demanding that I do so or are you asking me?" Elara asked slyly.

"I am suggesting." Zarkon corrected.

"By the way it was worded I beg to differ. But I digress. I'd love to go with you." She said with a friendly smile.

"Good. Now don't worry about Allegra. Dayak will take good care of her." Zarkon said to her, smiling like an idiot.

"Alright..." Elara giggled at his goofy smile.

She excused herself and left zarkon alone, who celebrated his victory in gaining her company to the royal Altean wedding.

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