Family time

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Three months old and healthy, the triplets loved hanging with their mommy and daddy. Their father would always spoil them with live and mommy would always let them play with her tail.

Today, Elara and Zarkon had very little work to do and finished everything early so they hung out with all the kids in the lounge room. Allegra, Bellatrix, Zanthea, and Koltor sat with Elara while the triplets chilled with Zarkon.

"When can they play with us mama?" Koltor asked his mom.

"When they grow up a little more they'll be tough enough to play with you and your sisters. They're pretty tiny." Elara replied to her son.

"Tiny feet!" Two year old Zanthea giggled.

"Fuzzy hair!" Bellatrix laughed.

"They're pretty cute huh?" Elara chuckled.

"They are cute. They're so tiny and they have really soft hair." Allegra said, looking at her three baby sisters.

"They're daddy's girl's just like your girls, oh and Koltor's my little warrior." Zarkon said as he gently tickled his triplet daughters.

The triplets squealed and squirmed, smiling uncontrollably.

"Aww cute!" Elara beamed happily. 

The other kids laughed with their younger siblings and the toe parents leaned against each other, both holding the tiniest babies.

"Would you ever give up any of this?" Elara asked her husband, looking up at him.

"Never in a million years." He said and the lovely couple stole a little smooch.

"Eww!" The kids yelped in disgust.

"Oh shut up! How did you think you all got here?!" Zarkon snickered.

"Zarkon!" Elara gasped, blushing madly and whacking his arm.

"What? They need to learn some day." He snickered.

"That day isn't today." She said seriously.

This family was beautiful. They all loved equally loved another. Nothing could tear then apart... Or could there?

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