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Days felt like months and the months felt like years. By now, Elara and Zarkon haven't talked or seen each other in three months. Three painful months. Elara was now five months pregnant and Zarkon had no idea he had another child on the way.

Back at the palace, The Archivist has been a constant reminder to Zarkon of how his family was torn apart.

It was only a matter of time before he finally snapped. Everyday... The Archivist would trash anything that symbolized Elara in the slightest possible way.

He was toying with death.

Zarkon had changed drastically. Without Elara, he had nobody to seek peace from when he was stressed, he didn't want to burden his already upset children so he kept his troubles to himself.

He'd always be his study by himself. Like right now. He had no intention of leaving  the room. Not until The Archivist had the audacity to walk in.

Zarkon immediately started growling under his breath.

"You are slacking." He said.

"Quiet." Zarkon warned.

"Watch it... All this fuss over one woman and a little girl." The Archivist scoffed.

"Keep them out of your mouth!" Zarkon snarled angrily.

"You should have kept them out of your life!" The Archivist yelled.

"I'll have your head mounted on a wall. You should have known better than to mess with my family." Zarkon hissed.

"Don't you dare threaten me! I have been around longer than you have! I have witnessed what women like that whore can do!" The Archivist yelled.

Zarkon finally snapped and threw the first thing he could grab at him... A dagger, luckily he dodged it.

"She is anything but a whore! She doesn't deserve this slander! She has never done anything wrong so you will leave her alone or so help me I'll make sure you die a slow, agonizing death!" Zarkon roared.

"Try it." The old bag said.

Zarkon knew what could happen if he killed The Archivist... His reputation would be tarnished for good in the public eye. Elara would tell him to make a smart decision and to not give into his fury. Anytime he was blinded by rage, all he needed to do was look at her and her relax. But she's not around...

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