Another year later

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Life with a herd of children was tiring especially when you're nearing your 50s. Zarkon was only a year away from turning the good old 50 while Elara was 47. Not quite old but not quite young either.

To be fair they both looked pretty young for being almost 50. Zarkon is still a buff beast who is deeply obsessed with his miraculously still curvy and fit wife after she's given birth a crap ton of times, 11 to be exact.

At the moment, the two tired rulers were relaxing with their newlywed daughter-in-law, Vetza, and their son. She and Koltor got married about 7 months ago and what do you know, they're following in Zarkon and Elara's footsteps, Vetza is already five months pregnant.

"So how's the grandbaby doing?" Elara asked her daughter-in-law.

"She's doing great. She does kick a lot though." Vetza replied.

"She's already taking after her father. Koltor used to be like a little hurricane when Elara was pregnant with him." Zarkon chuckled.

"He did. He would either be kicking my bladder or sitting on it." Elara said.

"That explains the frequent bathroom trips. Get your kit under control!" Vetza suddenly snapped at her husband who cowered immediately.

"Ok..." Koltor whispered.

Vetza then had to use the bathroom of course leaving Koltor alone with his parents.

"What was that?" He asked his parents.

"Hormones." Elara responded.

"Your mother was way worse. I still haven't recovered from what she said to me when she was pregnant with Bellatrix and that was 21 years ago." Zarkon said.

"What'd she say?" Koltor asked curiously.

"I insulted his balls." Elara said nonchalantly.

"Oh." Koltor said.

Vetza came right back still angry.

"Do you know how long that took? Because of you this baby was squeezing every ounce of pee out of me! Why couldn't you keep your wrinkly balls in your pants?!" She yelled at Koltor.

"The flashbacks..." Zarkon shuddered.

"You wanted a baby! What more do you want from me woman?!" Koltor growled in frustration.

Her entire mood changed. She started bawling almost immediately.

Mother-in-law to the rescue.

"Dumbass." She hissed at her confused son after thwacking him in the forehead.

She hugged her daughter-in-law and calmed her down while Zarkon gave Koltor the amused dad look.

It was going to be a long couple of months.

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