New family edition

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Vetza was now full term and could give birth any day now. She and Koltor are due to take over the throne soon. She hoped that this baby would come soon so she wasn't pregnant during her first days of being the new empress.

She now spent her days with her dear mother-in-law Elara, who kept a close eye on her since she could go into labor and second.

The two were relaxing in the lounge room talking and hanging out. Vetza loved talking with her mother-in-law, since she lost her mom so many years ago, Elara was the closest thing she had to a mother.

"How's my grandbaby been doing today?" Elara asked with a smile.

"This baby has been very calm. Very relax- oh!" Vetza suddenly yelped, and held her bulging belly.

"Oh quiznack! Is it time?" Elara asked, jumping to her feet.

"I think so! This is absolutely not indigestion!" Vetza said with a whine.

"Ok. Ok. Breathe in and out slowly and relax between contractions. I'll get you to the infirmary then I'll send a guard to get Koltor." Elara said calmly.

Vetza nodded, her contraction too painful to let her speak. With that, Elara quickly got her to the infirmary and stayed with her while a guard went to get Koltor.

"You're doing great Vetza. Way better than me when I have birth to Koltor. That boy's head was so big only for there to be nothing but air in it sometimes." Elara said, holding Vetza's hand completely unfazed by Vetza's godly grip on her hand. She moved Vetza's hair out of her face.

"VETZA?!" Koltor practically screamed when he burst through the doors with a very breathless Zarkon behind.

"Koltor, bring your no pull out game having ass over here now!" Vetza growled at him.

"Yes my love!" He squeaked and stood where Elara was and held Vetza's hand instead.

"Koltor please don't panic. Stay calm and don't scare or stress her out. She'll be ok, she's strong but you need to be strong for her too." Elara said to her son who nodded calmly.

"Thank you mother." Koltor said with a smile.

"Of course." Elara said before leaving the room and waiting outside with the rest of the family.

"Vetza you're nearly fully dilated. You'll be ready to push in about half an hour." The new medic said, the medic took Ulaz's place since Vetza chose to not have her own father deliver her baby since she thought it was odd.

Vetza was nervous but thankfully Koltor was there to soothe and support here.

The rest of the family waited outside after what seemed by years when it was really 45 minutes. The kids however were in bed since they couldn't stay up all night long and Allegra had work in the morning, so it was just the soon to be grandparents, Sendak, and his mate Cressida.

They were all beginning to accept the fact that this would take forever when the medic came out when the doors opened.

"Koltor and Vetza want you all to meet a very special somebody." The medic said and allowed them to come in.

Elara immediately teared up when she saw her son sitting beside Vetza's bed with both of them smiling down at a very small bundle.

"It's a girl." Koltor said to his family.

"She's only five pounds." Vetza said, staring at her newborn daughter.

"Mother, do you want to your new granddaughter?" Koltor asked his very emotional mother.

"Of course I do." She said with a sniffle.

She and Koltor traded places and she was sitting down. Vetza carefully handed her mother-in-law the baby.

Elara couldn't hold her tears of joy back when she looked down at her very first grandchild. Everyone melted at the sight of Elara crying while holding the baby.

"What's her name?" Elara asked Vetza and Koltor.

"We heard of this very unique name from Earth and fell in love with it. Her name is Evangeline. We like Angie for short." Vetza said.

"She's perfect." Elara said.

Evangeline was loved on by everyone. She had a very warm welcome into the world. She even made that old Ulaz cry. She was the perfect new family addition.

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