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After a few weeks, Elara actually did get knocked up again, a set of twins. Zarkon was happy but she was crippled with worry and anxiety. She felt like something would go wrong.

She was petrified of the possibility of miscarrying or having a stillbirth. Zarkon tried his best to calm her whenever she'd freak out, which she was doing right now at four months pregnant.

"What if I get too stressed out? It'll be my fault if they die!" She panicked.

Clearly ever since Leara was lost, she's been anxious and full of fear for her children. Especially these ones.

"Elara please calm down. Don't stress so much. Our little ones will be fine as soon as you settle down, the more panicked and erratic you become, the more complications there will be." Zarkon said,  pleading with her to calm down.

They had just returned to their room from a scan and Ulaz said the kits were smaller than they should be.

This news worried Elara beyond comprehension. She was scared for her babies who were one boy and one girl.

"I'm just scared for them. My last pregnancy ended horribly..." She said, her voice was trembling a bit.

"Nothing bad will happen I promise. You and the kits will be fine. Ulaz knows what he's doing. I am here to help and support you." He said, sitting her on his lap with a hand on her belly.

She sighed and nodded, trusting him completely. She leaned in his affection and settled down.

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