Koltor's first night

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About three hours after Koltor was born, Zarkon and Elara were in bed fast asleep with their newborn sleeping between them, mainly nestled in the crook of tired mommy Elara's neck since he was so tiny.

It was about midnight when Koltor began fussing and squirming. Both parents immediately waking up when they heard him fussing.

Elara thought he may be hungry and went ahead and carefully sat up.

"Is he alright?" Zarkon asked, clearly half asleep.

"He's hungry." Elara yawned as she began to feed her son who latched on immediately.

Zarkon smiled as he heard his son making little sounds as he nursed.

"I still can't believe we made this."  He sighed and kissed her forehead.

"Neither can I. I've given birth before but I never thought I'd have a family with you." Elara said as she fixed her shirt after Koltor finished nursing.

Zarkon grabbed a burping cloth and put it on his shoulder as he gently burped his son, eventually getting two burps out of him.

After getting situated again the group of them fell asleep only to be woken up by loud wailing about 30 minutes later when the little prince needed a diaper change.

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