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Elara had been in labor for 10 hours now. Allegra was still with Dayak. Zarkon never once left Elara's side. Her contractions were slowly getting more and more painful as her son shifted in the birth canal.

Zarkon sat next to her and held her hand as she had to stay relaxed even though her contractions were horrible.

It killed him to see her in so much pain and wished he could stop it but he knew that it'd be worth it once their son was born.

"How bad are they?" He asked her.

"Unbearable." She moaned in discomfort.

"It'll be over soon I promise." He said, pecking her forehead.

"He's right. Your cervix are dilated enough for you to start pushing." Ulaz suddenly said.

"Oh boy..." Elara huffed as Zarkon helped get her feet into stirrups.

He was kind of uncomfortable knowing that Ulaz would be looking at an area he hated for other men to see since Elara is his wife but he knew that Ulaz would never even think of crossing a certain line.

If anyone ever wants to cross that line he'd have them dead within the next half second.

Anyway, Elara tried not to sob as she pushed with every contraction. She squeezed Zarkon's hand so hard that it was definitely going to bruise at some point.

"I never wanted to remember this pain!" She groaned through clenched teeth as she pushed.

"I know angel, you're going amazing." Zarkon said, being as empathetic as he possibly could.

"What the hell do you mean you know?! You know nothing! There's not a single thought behind those eyes of yours! You don't know what I'm going through because you can't get pregnant!" She snapped at her husband.

"Ouch... That was with malicious intent." Zarkon muttered.

"Just a few more pushes and your son will be born." Ulaz said.

"Why did you do this to me?!" Elara growled through her pushing.

"You said you wanted a baby." Zarkon sighed.

After another half hour of pushing, screaming, crying, and sweating, the cry of a newborn rang out in the medbay. Elara cried tears of joy along with Zarkon when their newborn son was placed on her chest, screaming his head off after Ulaz cleaned him off and put him in a diaper

"He healthy but a bit small, five pounds two ounces. What do you two want to name him?" Ulaz asked.

The couple shared a look and smiled. Zarkon turn to Ulaz with a small smile.

"Koltor. His name is Koltor." He said.

"Very well. Prince Koltor it is." Ulaz said and gave them privacy with their son.

Koltor started to fuss and Elara immediately knew he was hungry so she adjusted her shirt and allowed her son to have his first meal.

"He's perfect." Zarkon whispered, smiling as he watched his little doppelganger settle down.

"Yes he is." Elara sighed tiredly, still smiling at the baby in her arms.

When Koltor finished eating, he was burped and dressed in a warm black outfit and fell asleep.

Zarkon then brought in Allegra who was dying to see her mother. When Allegra arrived to bee mother's side she purred and nuzzled Elara.

"Hi princess. Did you miss us?" Elara asked.

"Yeah mommy." She said.

Allegra noticed the baby in her mother's arms and grew curious.

"Baby?" She asked.

"Yeah. This is your little brother, Koltor" Zarkon whispered.

"Tiny baby" she giggled.

"Yeah he's tiny. Do you like him?" Elara asked.

"Yeah mommy." Allegra purred.

The meeting between brother and sister went well. Elara was allowed to go back to her room after she was fully checked.

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